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Kai stopped the car and Ash got out. I was laying down, too tired to get up. I sighed. "God, I'm tired. Trying to defeat the mafia is tiring," I groaned. "Yeah, I'm going to sleep, wake me up when it's morning."

"Can't we just wake you up when we get back-"

"No, now goodnight, bitches."


"Goodnight!" I closed my eyes and fell asleep after a bit. Honestly, I could sleep for forever if I could. No, not dying, just sleeping. I woke up and I saw nobody was in the room. I checked my phone and sighed. "12 PM, I don't really care," I muttered, throwing my pillow over my head.

"Y/N, get up, please."

No thanks.

"I will make you."

Do it, pussy. There was silence and I groaned. I heard someone open the door and I threw my pillow at them. "Go away!" I said.

"You've been asleep for a while. Are you just not a morning person?" Vivian asked.

"No, now go away! I wanna sleep!"

"Someone was found dead in a dumpster today."

"Was it my dad?" I asked.

"Y/N, please, look at me."

"No, big sis, now go away." I threw my blanket over myself and I heard her place something on the table next to me.

"Here's some cereal when you get up, even though it'll probably be soggy." I lifted up my blanket and took the bowl under the blanket.


"Never thought that she would be thankful at 12 PM, wow."

"I will throw this cereal at you."

"Ok, ok! I'll go tell Ash you're awake." I heard her footsteps depart and I sighed. I just ate my cereal before I heard someone enter the room.

"Hey, Ash," I muttered, just trying to eat cereal.

"How tired are you?" He asked. I peeked over my blanket.

"Tired enough to sleep," I said, finishing my cereal. I placed the bowl on the table and threw the blanket over me. He pulled the blanket off me and I looked up at him. He picked me up and started walking. "No, bring me back!"

"You've been asleep for forever, come on!" He said. I was giving up on life. We headed outside and I saw Cain and his guys.

"Hey, wanna hear that secret now-" Ash smacked the back of my head and I jumped. He put me down and I sat next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. "I'm gonna fall asleep," I muttered.

"Are you gonna sleep the whole day?" He asked.

"Sure, and if I die, I die," I said. He pushed me up and I sat straight up before falling on his shoulder again.

"What if the mafia comes?"

"Then I'll be alert."

"They might be coming, they shot up some of Cain's guys."

"Oh, really?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. It felt like the whole day took forever. I managed to wake up a bit but I still wanted to sleep. I followed Ash and Cain to a building where probably Cain's guys got shot. Ash picked up a bullet and inspected it. I yawned and turned around. I saw something move and grabbed Ash's arm. He looked up at me as I pulled him down. I heard people start to shoot and I peeked over and shot at some of them. I groaned.

"These bitches should let me sleep!" I shouted. "But no! Fucking assholes won't let me!" Ash smirked.

"Hey, Y/N, take out your anger on them," he told me.

"Glady." I started to shoot at them again and then we darted up the stairs. We jumped through a window and I shot at two guys who followed us. Guys from below shot us and I started shooting at them. I stood by Ash. "I'm out of ammo."

"I'm not surprised, you're taking a lot of shit out on them," he said. I put my gun in my back pocket and they stopped firing. I looked at Cain and one of his guys was on the ground, dead.

"Why'd they stop?" I asked.

"They've disengaged. They're playing with us," he replied.

"Tell them to fuck off so I can sleep." He went through the window and I watched him. I looked down and saw nobody. Cain had gone inside and I followed behind.

"What are you doing?" Cain asked.

"I'm getting fingerprints," Ash responded and I sighed. I sat down against the wall and opened my phone. I scrolled through the news. So someone was found in a dumpster, huh.

"You're still not believing anyone?"

I was tired, ok?

"I told you to get up."

I told you to make me and you didn't. Ash was on a call with someone and so was Cain. You wanna take control? I'm really fucking tired.

"Gladly." I sighed as she took over. Ferret stood up and stretched. Ash grabbed her hand and all of them ran downstairs.

"You still have anger in you?" He asked.

"No, I'm Ferret, but I will gladly kill people," she said.

"Good." They raced out of the building and I had no clue where we were going. They got back to the hideout and Ferret stopped to see one of Cain's guys dead.

"Shit," she muttered. Another one?

"Yeah, they're playing with us."

Those bastards. I took control again.


Sorry, I wanna sleep.

"Y/N, people are dying-"

I know but look at Ash, he's about to run off somewhere. His eyes widened and he darted off. Told you, now hand over the money.

"We never made a bet. I don't even have money."

Then get a job.

"I'm a ghost."

Get a ghost job or something. Rob a ghost bank-

"Y/N, that's not how it works." I sat down and put my head down. "For the love of god, don't fall asleep." I smiled. I got up and walked inside and could tell Cain was done with me. I looked over at him and smirked.

"If you're that annoyed with me, just kill me already. Life's shit."

(a/n: um I was very tired writing this chapter and wanna sleep. i wanna get to the end as soon as possible and try not to be in pain.)

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