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I sat up, my hair a mess. Ash walked in. "Oh god, who replaced Y/N?" He asked.

"Haha, very funny," I muttered. I shook myself and got up.

"Eiji made breakfast," he told me.

"Nice. But then again, I don't think a delicate American like you would want breakfast from a sloppy Japanese-"

"Ok, we're over that, come on," he said. I smirked at him as I left the room. I sat at a table next to Ash. "What is this?" Ash asked.

"It's dried horse mackerel and boiled spinach. And some rice and miso soup," Eiji replied. Ash picked up a small bowl. "That's natto." He sniffed it.

"It's rotten. It smells," Ash said.

"That's how it is. Add soy sauce, mustard, and green onions. Then mix until it's all sticky."

"I've never had horse mackerel, is it good?" I asked.

"To me, yes. I don't know about Ash though or you." I nodded. He looked back at Ash. "Pour it over the rice and dig in," Eiji said, pouring the natto onto the rice. Eiji and Ash both took a bite, Eiji clearly loving it. "Like it?" He asked. Ash didn't respond but looked disgusted or some shit.

"I'm taking it then since you don't like it," I said, reaching for the bowl.

"Take it, I'm gonna throw up." I took a bite and swallowed.

"It's not that bad. I think something's wrong with your tastebuds," I told him.

"No, you just eat anything," he said to me. I took another bite.

"Come on, you have to eat more."

"No, thanks," he said.

"Take my rice then. There's nothing on it," I offered and he took the bowl. "Eiji, don't listen to him, he's picky as fuck."

"I am not!"

"Well, it seems like it."

"Y/N's right," Eiji backed up. "It's either you are picky or there is something wrong with your tastebuds." I finished the rice as they argued over whether or not Ash had taste. He picked up the horse mackerel.

"This stinks, too," he muttered.

"So do you," I sighed. I also picked up mine and took a bite. "Not as good as the rice, but still acceptable."

"Do Japanese people always eat stinky food?" Ash asked, taking a bite.

"Healthy Japanese food is good for guys like you who only eat meat," he replied. I took another bite.

"It's pretty good," I said.

"Yeah, I grew 2 inches since last year but haven't gained a pound," Ash told him.

"Short," I muttered with some mackerel in my mouth.

"I'm taller than you, shut up," he said.

"Lucky you, I've stopped growing," Eiji sighed. I finished the horse mackerel. "Y/N, why do you finish food so fast?"

"I eat what I eat," I responded, picking up a bowl of soup.

"I'm in the middle of my growth spurt," Ash said. "Not like some old geezer."

"Damn, what happened to big brother?" I asked.

"You still remember that?" Eiji asked.

"Listen, I remember everything." I stared at Ash and smirked. "Everything." He tilted his head and his eyes widened.

"Y/N L/N."

"You must remember something bad if he's saying your first and last name," Eiji said.

"I'll tell you in the future."

"Why not now?" He looked at me as I drank my soup. I cleared my throat and looked over at him.

"Because Ash is gonna murder me before I murder him," I responded, sounding calm.

"Ah, that's sounds nice." He looked at Ash.

"What's wrong, big brother?" Ash asked.

"Told you."

"You'd have to go back 15 years if you want to beat me up," he said. I looked at Eiji, waiting for his response as I slowly grabbed the spinach. "Y/N, I see you grabbing food."

"No, you don't Aslan."

"Don't I wish!" Eiji said. "I'd beat you to a pulp."

"That would never happen," I said. "Have you seen Ash? And if we did take your real age, 19, correct? Take away 15, you'd be 4. So you would be a small child. I could punt you off a building if I wanted to." It was really quiet for a moment and they just stared at me.

"Nice fact, Y/N," Eiji said, sounding concerned. He looked concerned as well. Ash spoke up.

"She's not wrong, you would not be able to beat me in a fight and if you really wanna do some thinking, technically, she could potentially punt you off a building." He paused. "In fact, she could do it now if she wanted to." I looked at Eiji and smiled.

"Wanna go meet up at the top of the building?" I asked, still smiling. He looked nervous.

"Aha, no thanks," he said, looking around and clearly asking Ash for help.

"Why not?" I asked, pointing my fork at him. "You scared?"

"What? No!" I smirked.

"You seem pretty scared." Eiji stayed silent. "Now you seem terrified, something wrong?" My eyes widened and I whipped around, pulling my knife out on Ash. He clearly was trying to pull some bullshit move on me. "Let me eat my breakfast in peace," I said, putting the knife away.

"How'd you know I was there?" He asked, sitting down. I took a bite of the food.

"One, it was quiet. Too quiet. Two, Eiji kinda gave it away."

"He gave me the signal to shut up."

"Ok, 'shut up' is exaggerating. It was more of a 'be quiet'," Lynx defended.

"Three, Aslan was quiet. Four, I could see a shadow. Five-"

"I think I get the point now," Ash said.

"What were you even trying to do?"

"I was trying to scare you." I chuckled.

"That never would've worked in a million years," I sighed.

"I know you well enough to know you would be scared." I turned to face him.

"No, I wouldn't. Eiji, sit back down," I said, not turning around.

"You're good," he said.

"You know what's even better?" I asked.

"Me," Ash and Eiji said at the same time.

"No, it's the food."

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now