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I was scrolling through my phone and the door opened. Ash walked in. "Look who's finally home," I said, not looking at him.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, but get some sleep. You've been out all day." Eiji looked at me. He knew I wanted Ash to find the pumpkin.

"You do get home late every night, why?" He asked.

"I'm just doing business," Lynx responded. He took off his jacket and sat down. "I'm beat."

"There's blood on your shirt," Eiji pointed out.

"Well, yeah, dumbass, he's a gang leader," I said. "What, you want him to come home with a clean shirt every day? It's not like he can do that."

"Did you do this?" Eiji put his phone down and I peeked over. "It says the victims had thrown their weapons but were still shot."

"I mean, Ash would do that-" he elbowed me in the stomach. "Oh god! That actually hurt!" I grabbed my stomach and collapsed to the ground. "I might be dying!"

"You're not dying," he said.

"No, I'm not kidding! That shit hurt!" I groaned. "Eiji, tell him not to do that!" Eiji ignored me. "Thanks.."

"Did you do it, Ash?" Eiji asked.

"So what?" Ash questioned after a while.

"So what?" Eiji repeated. "Why are you doing this? You're not the kind of guy who'd shoot an unresisting person!" He looked at me, sitting on the ground, still trying to get over the pain. "And you!"

"What the hell did I do?!" I snapped, getting up. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through. He showed me an article.

"Someone was stabbed!" He said. "Right in the chest!"

"And what if it wasn't me? Lots of people own knives-"

"I don't want your bullshit excuse!" Ok, damn, you don't need to yell at me.

"I'm sorry! Why don't I just let some dude follow me back to our apartment?!" I snapped, glaring at him.

"I already told you, I'm a murderer," Ash said, trying to end our conversation. "And so is Y/N apparently."


"Since apparently we're on a killing spree and part of a gang, we're murderers."

"That's all gangs do, to be honest!" I snapped. "Eiji lives in fucking Japan! He's not supposed to know this shit!" I collapsed on the bed. I'm going to sleep, goodnight."

"Oh, you are not going to bed, Y/N L/N!" Ash said, dragging me out of bed and onto the ground.

"I swear to god!" I got up and threw on my jacket. "I'm just gonna go, you guys sort your shit out." I opened the door and shut it. I sighed. I wasn't gonna come back after that. I couldn't. Oh no.. I could've stayed at a public place all night but I was tired. She's my last resort honestly. Oh, she is gonna hate me. I walked down into the neighborhood and knocked on the door. The door swung open. "Um, hey, Brooke," I said, waving awkwardly. She looked at me, pissed.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I was wondering if I can stay here, tonight." She stuck her hand out.

"Hand over any weapons you have," she said.

"What's the point? You have knives in the kitchen."

"Y/N, you tried to kill me last time."

"Yeah, you said you worked for the mafia and I'm guessing you're probably done with their shit which I hope you are because they really hate me, and Eiji.. and Ash."

"It's fine, I left them a while back," she said, letting me in. I took off my jacket and she just stopped and stared.

"Uh, you ok?" I asked. She nodded and pointed at the jacket.

"That was Vivian's," she told me. I nodded. "You knew her?"

"We were friends before one of Golzine's guys shot her after she betrayed the mafia," I sighed.

"Did you guys stop being friends?" I sniffed and put my head down.

"No. Sh-she died after that," I said softly. "I forgive her for s-stabbing me in j-jail and we became friends. Days later, she was k-killed," I stuttered. "Oh god, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's ok," she said, sitting down at the table with me. "I was friends with Vivian, too, until she got caught and was put in jail. So that's where you met her, huh?" I nodded as she wiped a tear from my face. "You can take the bedroom next to mine, it's open. It's usually my brother's room but he's not here. He's out with friends."

"Thanks, Brooke," I murmured.

"Just so you know, I still don't forgive you for nearly killing me."

"I was scared," I replied.

"Go to bed, I'm going anyway." We walked to the bedrooms. "Goodnight," she said.

"Goodnight," I replied. I walked into her room and sat on the bed. I leaned against the wall and stopped. I put my ear against the wall.

"Yeah, Y/N is here. Yes, the Y/N L/N, partner in crime with Ash Lynx," I heard Brooke say. "No, she doesn't know I still work with you guys. Arthur, shut up and get over here. We didn't talk about Ash, no." That piece of shit! "Ok, thanks, bye-bye." The call had ended.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I whispered, opening the door. I grabbed my jacket and put it on.

"Leaving so soon?" I heard a voice. I turned around.

"Yeah, I needed to pick something up," I said, backing away. "It was something for Ash." I found the doorknob and twisted it. Locked. "I've been forgetting to get it and I wanna get it before I forget tomorrow morning so if you don't mind-"

"Not at all," she said, getting close. She looked me in the eye. She grabbed my shirt and threw me aside. I slid across the kitchen floor. "But not until Arthur gets here." I looked up at her.

"I knew you weren't any different," I said, smirking.

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