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He just got up and left the room. I turned around and saw the gang hiding behind a wall and I laughed. "Oh my god!" I clutched my stomach. "That was hilarious! You should see your faces!"

"It's not funny, Y/N!" Bones complained.

"It is though!" I wiped a tear away from laughing so hard.

"Oh, god, not again," Eiji said. "Y/N!" He smacked the back of my head and I stopped laughing.

"Oh, he's dead," Kong whispered. I shook myself.

"Did it happen again?" I asked. He nodded. "Shit."

"What do you mean 'did it happen again'?" Alex asked.

"I think she's going insane," Eiji said. "This happened last night but I've learned to snap her out of it." He smacked the back of my head again and I glared at him.

"Don't do that when I'm fine," I growled. "Pretty sure I was fine the first time too," I muttered.

"Hey, where's the soap?" Ash called and everyone else jumped. "And the shampoo!" I shook my head as Eiji went to get him soap.

"You guys are ridiculous," I sighed. Eiji came back and we all sat down, waiting for Ash. Eventually, he finally finished with a towel wrapped around his neck and he sat down, grabbing a tablet. He looked through and I watched the gang hold their breath. I sighed. They're idiots.. but they're nice idiots. Still idiots but pretty nice for the most part, considering they're in a gang. I didn't realize Ash had ordered them to do something and they ran off. Where? I don't know. I didn't ask. I didn't care. I didn't wanna leave the apartment for now. "What is it?" He asked Eiji.

"You're a real leader," he said. I smirked.

"He always has been until Arthur decided to be a dick," I told him.

"So you had a bunch of gang under control until Arthur came along?" He asked. Ash and I nodded.

"Then it all started when you came. Did you put a curse on us?" I joked. Ash slapped my leg. If my whole leg is ever red, you'll know why. "Bitch," I said, sticking my tongue out at him. Eiji sat down next to Ash as I was laying in the chair, my legs hanging over the armrest.

"Let's eat," Ash said. He went to the kitchen and brought takeout that the gang must have picked up at some point. I sat up straight and stretched my arms. "It's Japanese tofu," he said.

"It can't be," Eiji said as Ash opened the box. He took a piece and bit into it. "Wow, it really is Japanese tofu!" I grabbed a piece and took a small bite.

"They chose it for you," Aslan told him.

"You're good with chopsticks," Eiji said out of nowhere. "You could live in Japan."

"It's pretty easy once you learn how to do it," I sighed, taking another bite of the tofu.

"Do you have any family?" Ash asked.

"My parents and a kid sister," he replied.

"A little sister? Must be cute," he said.

"Not as cute as me," I joked.

"Oh, shut up," he said. I smirked at him and finished the last of my food.

"Yeah, right, in a million years," Eiji said.

"Told you."

"We've never really talked like this," Ash said. "Me and Y/N have but never me and you. Even after all this time."

"It's because we're nearly dying half of the time," I said.

"I mean, yeah," he replied. "I don't know anything about you," he said to Eiji. "Your hair is pitch black and your eyes are deep and dark."

"That's pretty obvious though," I said. "Unless his hair is dyed and he's wearing colored contacts."

"No, I don't have colored hair and colored contacts, Y/N."

"How are we supposed to know?"

"Just take my word for it."

"I hated dark things as a kid," Ash said.

"Aww, did the baby lynx need a nightlight?" I teased.

"No, but didn't you have one when you lived with us?" He asked, smirking.

"Hey! We're not getting into that!" I whined.

"My dad made a jack-o-lantern for me on Halloween night," he said.

"Oh! That's jack-o-lantern!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, you gave it a really stupid name. Didn't you name it Jack?" He asked.

"We were kids, what did you want me to name it?"

"Be more.. creative!" He joked.

"I'll shove it up your ass, how about that?" I asked, smiling. Eiji just stared at me, concerned as fuck. I looked at Eiji and he looked away. I shook myself. "Continue."

"I wore it to go trick-or-treating-"

"Because you were scared of the dark," I quickly said, ending it with a cough. He just glared at me.

"Ok, Ms. I-Need-A-Nightlight," he retorted. "I went alone in the forest to scare Griff and made Y/N come along. She hated me for a while after that."

"Yeah! You can't drag me into a fucking forest with no warning!" I snapped.

"It seemed ok as a kid!"

"I started crying and you shushed me!"

"I wanted my plan to work!" I groaned and he continued. "It was pitch dark and there were eerie noises all around. I got scared and turned around to go home when a huge pumpkin came staggering my way."

"Yeah, when did this happen? I don't remember."

"You were crying, Y/N, that's why."

"Oh, yeah, go on." He rolled his eyes.

"I realized later it was just my reflection on the windshield of a car-"

"Oh, now I remember! You were screaming and you scared me so I came running after you, bawling," I said.

"See? Knew you would remember!" He sighed. "I've hated pumpkins ever since." He what? Pumpkins? "They give me chills whenever I see one." The Ash Lynx? Runs a gang but is scared of pumpkins? Eiji and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

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