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I peaked over and quickly ducked again. I heard Ash yell something but couldn't hear over the gunshots. Sing pulled me up and we raced out of the subway. I looked over at Ash. "I see you're doing better," I said. He looked back at me.

"Same with you."

"We should reach the East River!" Cain shouted. I saw light coming from outside and I raced ahead. I quickly skidded to a halt as I knew something wasn't right. Ash stopped and stared at me. I quickly hid behind a wall and I heard gunshots coming from behind. Ash ran next to me. "How did you know?"

"Something didn't feel right about running over there," I said. "I think they've got all the exits blocked."

"Yeah, we can't go back," he said and I heard something clatter. I looked over to the others and saw some gas spill out from a canister.

"Tear gas," I said and backed up. I blocked my face and Ash started shooting at Golzine's guys.

"Ash! Y/N!" Eiji called. We looked over at him and we climbed down into the sewers.

"How are we getting out now?" I asked.

"I don't know how to get around here," Cain responded.

"Well that's just-" I stopped and walked faster. I could hear his guys. Shit.

"I'll lead them to another passageway," Ash said.

"You're crazy, right?" I asked and Eiji pushed Ash back and ran. "Eiji!" I ran after him.

"Cain, take care go Ash for me!" He yelled.

"Eiji!" I shouted. I turned around and saw Bones and Kong running after us. Eiji stopped and starred shooting into the darkness. We all stopped and I put my hand on Eiji's shoulder. "Ash is weak! We have to do something!" He shouted.

"You can't run off without warning!" I said. He looked at me.

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" He asked. I smirked. He started running again and we chased after him.

"Where are you going?!"

"I don't know!" I sighed. Ferret, please help.

"I'm tired though."

That's a thing?!

"If you let me take control too much, I have to restore my energy."

Could've told me that was a thing. I caught up with Eiji and he was out of breath but wouldn't stop running. I closed my knife and held it in my mouth. I sped up ahead and turned a corner. I skidded to a half when I saw some of Golzine's guys there. I grabbed my knife and opened it. I lunged at them and felt a sharp pain in my hand and leg. I dropped my knife and fell to the ground. I grunted and felt someone lift me up by the back of my shirt. One of them threw me against the wall and I laid against the wall. I put pressure on my hand, trying to stop the bleeding. "You got captured, too?" I turned to look at Sing and some of the others.

"Sing!" Eiji exclaimed.

"Shut up and get in line!" One of them snapped. Sing looked at them.

"Dogs of Yut-Lung!" My eyes widened. Yut-Lung? "Killing fellow Chinese men. Shame on you!" One of them smacked his head with a gun and Sing stumbled.

"Shut up, you traitor!" He snapped.

"Sing!" I yelled. I glared at them. "You bastards!" I groaned as one of them shot my shoulders. Damn, why are they going all tough on me?

"You almost tried to murder them."

Oh, shut up! You would've done the same thing!

"You're right, I would." I jumped as Lao ran into one of the guys and kicked Sing into the river below. My eyes widened and I almost had the urge to jump in. "Do it." I smirked. I looked behind Lao.

"Ash!" I yelled and they all looked over that direction. I shoved past the others and dived in.

"Huh, that's smart," Ferret said. I felt the river take me.

Thanks, I knew they wanted Ash. I groaned. Damnit, Ferret, please can you take over?

"Ok, I'll try." I kept swimming as there was a moment of silence.


"I can't." I swam faster to try and catch up to Sing. I saw the light and swam even faster. I felt myself drop into some more water and I resurfaced quickly. "Sing!" I shouted.

"Y/N!" I looked around and saw him on shore. I swam over to him and shook myself. I looked back from where we dropped. "How'd you come down with me?"

"Ferret wanted me to."

"Uh, who? Is that a codename?" He asked.

"Oh, shit, my bad. I'm talking about the demon or ghost thing that possessed me."

"Call me a demon again."

What are you gonna do? Send me to hell?

"Can she still possess you?" He asked. I nodded. "That's not good."

"Oh, no, it is. She's not being a pain in the ass, for now," I muttered. He nodded.

"We gotta go find out where Ash is, maybe at the old apartment."

"What do you mean? He isn't in there?" Sing shook his head.

"Cain took him away, he was being reckless," he said. We walked away and I sighed.

"Once we get far, we should rest," I told him.

"No, we have to make it," he said. I looked at him.

"You look tired." He looked back at me and sighed.

"We can't be that far but you're bleeding," he said. He looked around. "We can make it." I rolled my eyes.

"Woah, look at the strong hero," I muttered sarcastically. We kept walking for a while, everyone being quiet, including Ferret. That was a surprise honestly. I thought she would bother me half of the time. The sun started to rise and I was out of breath. "Are we almost there? Do you know where you're going?" He looked at me, pissed.

"Would you like to lead the way?" He asked.

"Oh god, please, you're so fucking slow."

"I'm tired-" he stopped himself and I smirked.

"What did I say?"

"Oh, shut up, Y/N!"

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now