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"That's definitely weird," Jess said when I sent screenshots of the emails to the editors' chat. "Let's hear them out."

Unfortunately, that seemed to be the general consensus.

"Alright, but I'm getting the feeling they want to talk in person. And if that's the case, I'm not talking to them alone."

"So invite them to production. Or we'll all just meet up."

"Fine." I switched to my email app but then quickly switched back to Messenger. "Not a word about this to anyone just yet, okay?"

God only knew how many people had heard about that flipping picture.

A Tik Tok notification dropped down at the top of my screen, followed in quick succession by a Messenger notification.

"Have you heard back yet?"

"Not yet."

Because I haven't emailed them.

Another Tik Tok notification.

What is it with everyone and messaging me all at the same time? Was there some kind of universal announcement that said, 'Hey, everyone, go message Natalie right this minute'?

I knew I should take care of the email first, but I couldn't help myself.

I needed to know who was messaging me.


Cole had been being extremely quiet again.

Sure, he was probably just busy, but it was setting me on edge.

No need to be so clingy, Nat. Let him be. Just chill. You're just friends, and even as just friends, he doesn't owe you anything.


If you care so much, you text him. You don't have to be such a baby. Send him a meme or something. For God's sake, just chill out.

Take care of the email. That's more important.


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