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To: Natalie Miller

Subject: Re: Dax Sharp

Here are my answers to your questions.

Has the death been confirmed a murder? We are still waiting on the results of further investigation, both by our department and the city department.

Do the police have any suspects at this time? We are talking to people who knew Dax Sharp or came into contact with him in the days leading up to his death. We will pursue each avenue of the investigation until we can apprehend the responsible individual.

What do you see as the community's response to this? The university's? I think the community was hit especially hard. We don't often have this kind of thing happen here, so it was a big shock to everyone. However, the support being offered by the community and the university has been a big help to the investigation. From a university standpoint, it's important to make sure right away that the other students are safe, and I think we did a very good job of that.

What steps are being taken right now to move the investigation forward? See response to your second question.

Is there anything else you can say about the investigation? Not at this time.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

John Waters

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