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"Hey, can I talk to you about something?"

Meg looked up from her book. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

I sat down on the arm of the couch. "So when I was talking to Cole last week, he said that Dax had been going really downhill in the months leading up to his death. The day before he died, he was acting weird. Cole said he was acting really out-of-character. And actually, even one of his roommates said that, too."

Meg frowned. "So he might've committed suicide?"

"That's clearly what Cole is thinking."

"What about you?"

"That's the thing. I talked to Amber the other day, and she told me something completely different."

"How so?" She closed her book and set it aside.

"Well, she told me that she and Dax had been seeing each other again and they had decided to get back together the day before he died."

"Which makes it look like murder again."



"You're telling me. Their stories don't match up."

"So do some digging."

"I can't. The university already told me to leave it alone and let the cops handle it."

"What would Kat do?"

That was a very good point.

Kat would sink her teeth in and never let go.

"You're right. I'm the flipping EIC of the university newspaper. We answer to the students. And the students want to know what happened to Dax."

"Yusss. Do it."

"Except I don't know how."

"Guess you should be asking Kat then."

"I don't want to."

"Whiny rat. Just ask her."


"Then don't. Figure it out yourself."

I stuck my tongue out at her.

She resumed reading her book, and I tried to think of a way to go at this without getting myself into a heap of trouble.

"Maybe I could talk to the police chief. For the University Police, anyway. He's pretty chill."

"Yeah, maybe," Meg said. "It's worth a shot, anyway."

"Ugh. I hate sending emails."

"Same. Go email him."



"I hate you."

"I love you."

I didn't have a comeback, so I stalked upstairs to get my laptop.

*** ***

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