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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Dad, how is it I have never met a member of the team?" I question before taking a sip from my coffee

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"Dad, how is it I have never met a member of the team?" I question before taking a sip from my coffee. "I guess I wanted to keep you as far from the gore of my job for as long as possible" he stated with a small smile.

"Daddy the bus is gonna be here soon," Jack says as he walks into the kitchen. "Hey, Jackie" I chime. "Morning Harper" he smiles back at me. "Harper, could you walk him to the bus stop?" Dad asks.

"Of course, come on Jack" I smile down at him. He smiles back as he wraps his arms around me as we walk. "Have an amazing day at school, and remember if anyone tries to mess with you-"

"My big sister has a black belt in karate" he laughs. I smile, "that's right, go on now.". He waves to me as he walks up the stairs of his bus.

I push my round glasses further up my face before turning to walk back towards our house. After what happened to Haley we moved to a small townhouse not too far from the FBI academy.

"Ready to go?" My dad asks as he slings his go-bag over his left arm. I nod with a smile before picking up my own bag.

"So what is the team like?" I ask as we aren't too far from Quantico. "They are all incredible agents and people. They know that you exist Harper and from what I've told them I'm sure they love you" a small smile on his face.

I fiddle with my fingers as my left leg bounces up and down. "Harper, it's okay. I promise they will love you" he assures me. I look at him and nod, trying to shake my first-day jitters.

"Ready kiddo?" My dad asks just as the elevator doors open. "As I'll ever be" I sigh as we walk into the bullpen where I can see six people standing.

"Everyone this is Agent Harper Vincent, our new team member" My dad announces. They all turn to look at me with smiles. "Isn't your daughter's name Harper?" A blonde-haired woman asks.

"Guilty" I laugh slightly. "Oh my gosh finally!" Another blonde woman squeals as she leaps forward to hug me. My body stiffens slightly at the contact.

"Sorry I'm a hugger" she laughs as she pulls away. "Harper this is Penelope Garcia, our technical analyst." My dad introduces. "And they are, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, and Dr. Spencer Reid"

I go down the line shaking hands before reaching who I now know is Spencer Reid. He shakes my hand gently, the others looking at us wide-eyed.

"You look a little young to be a doctor" I smile teasingly. "I uh graduated high school when I was 12" he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Wow so you're a genius" I smile.

"Well I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute" He explains ending in a classic 'white person' smile.

"Wow, that's really cool" I marvel. He gives me a confused look before speaking, "really?" A smile tugs on the corners of his lips. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask matter-of-factly.

"No one has ever said that to me before" his smile is small but noticeable. "Well let me be the first to say you're really cool" I tease, pushing my glasses up my nose slowly.

We both quickly notice that no one else was around us. I see my dad poke his head out of his office. "We have a case." He explains before retreating once again to gather files.

I glance at Spencer and smile before walking into the conference room. "We have two females in their late teens. Blonde hair blue eyes. Both found sexually assaulted and murdered." Garcia informs in a disgusted voice.

"The dump sites are all public places," I notice. "This clothing is severely outdated, possibly the 1980s," Prentiss says. "It says here the victims were blinded?" Morgan questions.

"Yes, that is correct, along with the other four senses. ME says it's sulfuric acid." Garcia replies as more pictures show up on the screen.

I notice how scarily similar my features are to the victims.

My left leg begins to bounce up and down at a fast pace and I involuntarily pick at the skin around my nails.

The sound of a smooth voice brings me back to reality. "Harper, were uh leaving in twenty minutes," Spencer says shaking me out of my daze. "Okay, thanks" I nod before closing my case file.

"Is everything okay?" Spencer asks in a hushed tone as to not alert the others on the jet. "Yeah I just, I look like them" I sigh looking at the candid pictures taken before the victims became victims.

"We aren't going to let anything happen to you you know" He reassures me. "I know" I smile back at him.

He nods knowingly before shifting his gaze back to whatever book he was reading. I watch as he quickly flips through the worn yellow pages. I watch as his brows furrow in concentration as he reads.

I quickly shake myself out of the daze, immediately shifting my focus back to the case file. No fraternization between colleagues Harper, especially not someone so close to your father.

Happy first chapter:) I hope you all enjoyed it. I highly suggest listening to her music because it's amazing. Okay bye now.

Word Count: 927

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