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•CW: Mentions of tourture•

•CW: Mentions of tourture•

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"I got here as fast as I could what happened?" I question. The entire group shifted their glances between Hotch and me.

"Harper is gone," Hotch whispers. "She's what?" The air leaves my lungs. "Simon Keller took her." Garcia gulps with tears in her eyes. "What happened to the agent watching her?" I ask.

"He's dead." JJ looks down sadly. "That's not his MO, he's a family annihilator," I state running my hands trough my hair. "Correct, what is the one family he didn't get rid of," Morgan asks.

"Harper," I reply.

"She is the only victim to survive him." Hotch rubs his temple. "He had to have her." Blake sighs. "We are dropping everything, no new cases until we have Harper back safe am I clear?" Hotch tries to keep his voice from breaking.

"Clear." We all reply.

"Let's go look at the office she was staying in." JJ ushers me to the last place Harper was.

The first thing I notice is the blood stain in the carpet. "Oh my god." JJ gasps after looking through on of Harper's bags. "What JJ?" I rush over to her.

"Spence, she's pregnant."


"Wakey wakey" A voice calls. I keep my eyes closed in an attempt to pretend this wasn't happening. Suddenly a bucket of cold water is dumped on my head causing me to gasp loudly.

"What was that for?" I choke out. "Well you wouldn't wake up" he chuckles. "Why are you doing this?" I refuse to look up to him. He forcefully grabs my chin, tilting my head up.

"Because. You are the missing piece." He hisses. "What you kill my parents and have to kill me too?" I scoff. "Exactly. The BAU says I'm a 'family annihilator'. You are the only serving member, therefore I must kill you." He smiles proudly.

"But you torture your victims first," I state. "Exactly. Boy am I going to have fun with you." He smirks before dragging the cold blade on my left arm. "Stop!" I cry out.

"That's good." He laughs. He laughs. My god. How am I going to get through this?


"So what do we know about Simon Keller?" Morgan asks. "He's now 54 years old, and is a fan of knifes." Garcia winces. "He would break into the victims homes and torture the parents before killing them, later moving on to the children," Hotch announces.

"You know what this means" JJ remarks. "What?" I question. "Spence, she's pregnant. Your and her child, you're a target too." I blink a few times. My child. My love.

"If he finds out-" "She wouldn't tell him, she's smart" I cut Blake off. "Garcia we need everyone ever connected to Simon Keller, he might be using one of their names to rent a building." Hotch orders.

"Of course"


"Please stop!" I beg as he digs the knife deeper into my thigh. "My favorite sound." He sighs. "You're sick." I spit. "I know." He chuckles.

He finally walks away, leaving me alone. I look around at my surroundings. It was obviously a warehouse. Old, smelly.

I twist my hands in an attempt to free them. The rope burns my wrists. I sigh in frustration, looking up to the ceiling. "Spencer, please, I need you." Tears roll down my cheeks.

"I love you, Harper." "I love you too Spencer." I smile before giving him a kiss. "And I love you, Bethany." He coos to the baby in his arms. "I think we should call her Beth for short." I grin as she grips onto my fingers.

"Wake up!" Another hard slap lands on my face. I grimace at the metallic taste in my mouth. "How did you get out of the ropes!" He yells. I look down to my hands, now untied.

"I- I don't know" I furrow my brows. "Liar!" He takes the knife and runs it down my left arm causing me to scream in pain.

"You have the same scream as your mother, Bethany, I believe?" He chuckles. "Fuck you." I breathe out. "Funny your father Harry said the same thing as I used your mother." He smirks.


"Oh my god! Guys!" Garcia gasps. "What is it, Garcia?" Hotch asks. "I found a property in Virginia Beach, the Pungo area. It's under the name Harper Vincent." Tears brim my eyes at the thought of what he could've done to her in these three days.

"Send us the address Garcia, wheels up now." Hotch orders.

I don't even grab my go-bag, I run all the way to the tarmac.

What's gonna happen???
Word Count: 774

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