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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Today's bad guy kills right here in lovely DC" Garcia informs us as she hands us the files

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"Today's bad guy kills right here in lovely DC" Garcia informs us as she hands us the files. "Three victims in the past two weeks. Andrea Bass, Courtney Lowe, and Darcy Ray. All, as you can see here" she points to the screen causing me to push my glasses up my nose.

"Blonde hair and blue eyes, mid-twenties. They were all pat seen at the same club downtown, Club Sway." She told us as we all flipped through the case files.

"JJ and Harper, talk to the victim's families, see what the girls were like. Rossi and Morgan, go to the most recent crime scene. Everyone else come with me to set up at the PD." My dad ordered.

JJ and I shared a look as we exited the conference room. "Why would your dad send the two agents that look most like the victims to interview the grieving families?" JJ questions with a worried look.

"I'm not sure, sometimes he does things that I don't understand" I sigh as I press the button for the lobby.

"Ms. Lowe, what was Courtney like? As a person." I ask gently as to not put her through too much pain. "Please call me Cassie dear, gosh you look so much like her" I can see her eyes glaze over as she looks at me.

I reach my hand out to rest on top of Hera. She accepts it before pressing a tissue to her nose. "She was confident but nice, kind, everyone loves, loved, her" she chokes on her words.

"She always stuck up for the kids that were bullied, made sure no one got hurt physically." She smiles. "That's amazing Ms, she was a great person and will be remembered as just that" JJ assures her.

"Okay everyone, I was talking to the lead detective and we agreed on something. Having an agent go undercover at the club." My dad announces.

The air leaves my lungs as I know what he is about to say. "Harper" he sighs out. "Dad" "Hotch" Spencer and I look at each other as words left our mouths at the same time.

"Harper I believe that you are strong enough to do this" he assures me. "We will be in your ear the entire time, you will never be alone with the man." I nod in understanding.

"I'll do it"

I walk out of the locker room in a very scandalous dress for my liking

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I walk out of the locker room in a very scandalous dress for my liking. Spencer looks at me in awe. "Is it obvious I don't wear dresses that often?" I chuckle nervously.

"You uh, you look beautiful Harper" he scratches the back of his head. "Thank you, Spence" I smile down at my heels. "Here is your earpiece, it's clear so no one will be able to see it under your hair. We can hear everything" he explains as he hands me a box.

"Spence, can you help me? I've never done this before." I request. He smiles and nods, pushing my hair aside gently, causing sparks to erupt on the skin his fingers touched.

He hooked it up perfectly, putting my hair back in its place. "There you go," he says barely above a whisper. I smile lightly before turning to look him in his golden eyes.

"Thank you" I continue to gaze into his beautiful eyes for longer than acceptable. "Harper, it's time," Emily says as she turns the corner. "I'll be right there Em" I reply quickly.

I swirl the straw in my martini slowly, waiting for him to walk up to me. "Harper give us a signal you can hear us, cough or something" I hear Morgan's voice in my earpiece.

I clear my throat in response. "Sounds good, remember we're right outside" he assures me. "You look too pretty to be alone tonight," a husky voice says from behind.

I blink a few times to readjust my contacts. "Would you like some company?" He questions. "That sounds nice" I smile up at him.

He looked exactly how the witnesses described. "So what name could possibly be as beautiful as you?" He asks.

"The name is Megan, Megan Lane, what about you stranger?" I beamed, shaking his hand. "Cole, Cole Noel" The name of our suspect. I grabbed my drink, noticing the fizz that shouldn't be there.

I pretend to take a sip, making him think he drugged me. "This drink tastes amazing, what are you drinking?" I ask him, hoping the team got the signal.

"Did he drug your drink, Harper?" "Whiskey" he replies. "Sounds great" I answer, not to him, but to the team. "How about we get out of here?" He breathes into my ear causing me to shiver in disgust.

"Yeah let's go," I say. He leads me to a secluded area of the alley behind the club. "What are we doing here?" I question wearily.

"This is the beginning of your last night on Earth" he taunts. "Were coming Harper" I hear in my ear.

He shoves me against the brick wall causing a loud groan to escape my lips. "All of you, bitches, think you're so much better than me" he growls.

My mind starts flashing back to all of the traumas I've experienced, screaming out for Spencer silently through tears. "FBI! Don't move!" Morgan yells, his gun aimed at Cole.

"I will kill her" He hisses with a gun pointed at my temple. A silent sob escapes my mouth as I look at Spencer. His eyes screaming as much as mine.

"You better be a great shot" Cole chuckles. Bang. Spencer's gun emitting smoke from the shot. I cry out in fear as he falls to the ground.

"Harper, it's me, Spencer, you're okay, everything's gonna be alright" he hugs me tight to his body. I wrap my arms around him the same way I did to my father so many years ago.

Hehe I love giving my characters trauma😌 I'm kidding by the way I'm not a complete psychopath.
Word Count: 1001

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