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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Hey, look who's awake

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"Hey, look who's awake." The sweet voice of Spencer Reid fills my ears from above. I flutter my eyes open to see Spencer's face above me.

"You're safe, you're back in my apartment. You slept the whole way here" he smiles. I cuddle into him closely, not wanting to let go.

"Am I wearing your shirt?" I smile to myself at the unfamiliar cloth. "Yes, you are" he chuckles lightly. "Mm, I love it" I smile. He mumbles something that is inaudible to me at my position.

I sit up to get more comfortable in his arms. He smiles as he allows me to lay on top of me, nestling my head in the crook of his neck. He slowly scratches my back, calming me instantly.

"You always know how to make me comfortable." I chuckle into his neck. "With you everything is easy" he smiles down at me as I look at his features.

"Can I tell you about my parents?"

"You can tell me anything, Harper." He sits up slightly, me straddling his waist.

"The day my parents, died, was not a good day for the family." His hands never leave my body. "My parents and I got into an argument, I held hands with another girl in my class and they were asking me about it, I told them that I did it just because I wanted to." Tears leave my eyes causing him to wipe them away.

"The last words I said to them were 'I hate you guys'" At this point, my sobs were going to stain his shirt. He wraps his arms tightly around my torso, bringing my body flush against his.

"The day my father left, my mother called him weak. He accepted it" I pull back to look at his perfect features. His eyes dart from mine to my lips, my eyes doing the same before finally crashing our lips together.

The kiss is soft and sweet as our tears mix. I can feel the smile on his lips as we kiss.

We pull away finally for air, resting our foreheads together. "No words" he breathes out. "Just thoughts" I reply with a small giggle, kissing him again.

We sit together, mumbling random stories to each other. Some funny, some sad. He falls asleep after hours of talking, soft snores leaving his perfect lips.

I look around to find my sketchbook, slowly removing my body from his. I smile to myself as I study his features. My pencil moves slowly across the page as I sketch his features.

 My pencil moves slowly across the page as I sketch his features

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[whiteshaix on DeviantArt]

"What are you doing?" Spencer asks sleepily. "Drawing" I smile as I add the finishing touches. "What are you drawing?" He asks with a morning voice.

I turn the book so he could study it. "How are you so good at art?" He smiles. "How are you so good-looking?" I smirk. He smiles before reaching to grab me by my waist.

I giggle as he kisses me slowly on the couch. As I feel his lips move slowly against mine I realize something.

I'm falling in love with Spencer Reid.

Word Count: 522

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