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I walk into the office, everyone's heads turning to me. "What's wrong?" I quirk an eyebrow. "This." JJ passes the familiar paper to me.

My dearest Harper,
I've noticed you. I see you. I'm coming for you.
- SK

My breathing stops as I read the sloppy handwriting. "Wait, SK." I gasp. "We know, Simon Keller. He killed your parents." Spencer looks down. "He-he's out?" I raise my eyebrows in anger.

"There was a prison break and no one bothered to inform us he got out." My father announces. "Harper you are staying here at the BAU until further notice." He orders.

I nod my head before turning it to see Beth. I wrap my arms around her and bury my head in her neck. "I'm so sorry" she kisses my temple. "It's not your fault Beth" I sniffle.

"They are going to get this guy Okay" she assures me. "I know" I sigh. "Harper." I turn and launch myself into the comforting arms of Spencer Reid. "I promise I will not let him hurt you ever again." He mumbles into my hair.

I feel the familiar feeling in my heart.

"I uh need to use the restroom," I murmur before jogging to the bathroom. I wipe my mouth with a piece of toilet paper, digging in my pocket for a piece of gum after rinsing my mouth.

I sigh to myself as I look into the mirror. "Damn"

"There will be an agent right outside the entire night, you will never be alone." My dad assured me. "Okay" I nod with a sniffle. He pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you, Harper."

"I love you too dad." I smile. Once he leaves I quickly dial Beth's number. "Beth, I need you to pick something up for me and drop it off here," I mumble into the speaker so that the agent outside couldn't hear.

"Of course love what is it?" She coos. "I um, I need a pregnancy test." I sigh. "Oh- okay. I'll get that for you." She replies. "Please just don't tell dad." I wince. "Of course Harper." She answers before hanging up.

I pace back and forth in the small room, waiting for Beth to drop off the test. "Miss Vincent?" The agent says. "Please call me Harper," I reply. "Okay, this was left for you by Beth." He hands me the white bag.

"Thanks, I'm uh going to the restroom." I quickly walk to the restroom, tearing open the box.

I stare at the test on the counter, nervous to flip it over. The three minutes went by and I was still standing in the middle of the restroom.

"Is everything okay?" The agent asks from outside the door. "Yeah, I'll be right out," I reply, shoving the test into my sweatshirt pocket before exiting the bathroom.

I close the door to the office I am staying in. I reach into my pocket and wrap my fingers around the test, pulling it out slowly.


My eyes widen and my first instinct is to hide the test. My second instinct is to call Beth.

"Did you take it?" She answers immediately. "Beth, I'm pre-"

My vision goes blurry as my body falls to the ground.

"My dearest Harper, wonderful to see you again."

Haha, gotcha.
Word Count 557

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