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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Hey Maya, Spencer is coming over soon, because he and I have some things to talk about

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"Hey Maya, Spencer is coming over soon, because he and I have some things to talk about. I was wondering if maybe it could just be him, Bethany, and I." I attempt to ask her nicely to leave.

"Uh sure Harper, whatever you need." She smiles at me. I nod my head slowly before walking back into my room to dress Bethany.

"What do you want to wear today?" I question as I pick her up and rest her on my hip. She points roughly towards her small dresser and opens the drawer.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" I chuckle as she grasps a pair of pink pants. "Pink pants, okay and what shirt do you want." I lift her so she can look into the shirt's drawer.

Bethany ends up picking out a blue shirt with a truck on it. Maya got so upset with me when I came home from Target with a 'boys' shirt. Bethany picked it out, so I got it for her.

"You look, beautiful baby." I smile as she claps while on her back. A knock on the door catches both of our attentions. "Daddy's here." I smile down at her as we walk towards the door.

"Spence, come in." I gesture towards the couch, in front of it Bethany's play mat. "She's pretty good at rolling around on her own so I let her play." I chuckle as she wiggles on the purple mat.

"Purple, my favorite." He smiles. "I know, that's why I got it." I joke. "Did you know Honey, fruit juice and cow's milk are among the foods and drinks that are off-limits for babies under age 1." Spencer rambles the way I love.

"Yes, I did know that Spence" I giggle as his face flushes pink. "I don't usually keep the tv on around her, I do read her every night though," I inform him.

"That's amazing, what do you read her?" He inquires. "Remember that Edgar Allan Poe book you got me, with his tales and poems," I smirk.

"Of course, you read that to her?" He quirks an eyebrow. "Her favorite poem is Annabel Lee." I smile while fiddling with my hands. "She has great taste." He beams down to our daughter.

"So." I drawl on. "Yeah." Spencer purses his lips.

"Spencer I'm so sorry that I had to leave, without saying goodbye." I notice his lip quiver and eyes flood with tears. "There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't thinking of you." I take his hands in mine.

"I lost both of you." He mumbles. "We are here now, Spencer. Please, don't push me away, I just got you back." Tears flow freely down my face. "Do you remember the day we saved you?" He sniffles.

"Somewhat, it's mostly blurry." I chuckle to lighten the mood. "The ambulance?" He looks into my eyes. "Y-yes." I look down at my hands.

"Did you mean it?"


He reaches forward to wrap his arms around my torso. I wrap mine around his neck and bury my face in his neck. I grip tightly to his shirt, praying that once I let go he would still be here.

We hear the sound of movement behind us, causing us to turn around. "Oh my god!" I gasp happily at the sight of Bethany crawling for the first time.

"That is amazing baby girl." Spencer smiles before lifting her up into our arms. "Oh, it's time for her last bottle of the night" I wipe my tears before standing up to warm a bottle.

"Would you like to do the honors?" I shake the bottle lightly, checking the temperature on my wrist. "Yes!" His face lights up as she takes the bottle into her small hands.

"She adores you." I smile leaning my head on his shoulder. "How can one being be so perfect?" He asks in awe. "I'm not sure." I chuckle lightly.

After Bethany finished her bottle Spencer excused himself, saying he has work in the morning.

Maya comes home shortly after he left.

"So, how was your talk with Spencer?" She asks passively. "It was nice." I smile before excusing myself to Bethany and I's room.

"Are you ready for a story?" I whisper. Her eyes flutter closed as my fingers flip through the old pages.

"For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes, Brightly expressive as the twins of Lœda..."

The poem is A Valentine: Edgar Allan Poe
Anywho I love this book so much
Word Count: 760

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