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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Hey, Spence what's up" I answer the call

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"Hey, Spence what's up" I answer the call. I found it strange for Spencer Reid to be calling me on a Saturday morning. "I was uh wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the library with me?" He stutters slightly.

"Like- like a date?" I try to contain my excitement. "Yeah" he whispers. "I would really like that." I bite my lip. "Really? Okay! I'll pick you up in an hour." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, I'll see you then" I quickly hang up the call before letting out an excited squeal. "What's wrong? We heard a noise!" My dad and Beth burst into my room causing me to stop my happy dance.

The look in Beth's eyes tells me that she knows exactly what is going on. "Aaron how about you go downstairs and wait for me" she pats his chest.

She shuts my door gently before turning to me with a smile. "What's his name?" She asks with a smirk. I feel a storm of emotions well inside me at the motherly action. "Spencer" I blush looking down to my feet.

"The one that works with your dad?" She gasps. "Yeah" I smile up at her. "Oo he's cute" she compliments. "So where are you two going?" She asks sitting on my bed. "The library" I beam.

"Ugh that is adorable" she gushes with a hand on her chest. "What are you gonna wear?" she asks. "Oh my gosh I didn't even think of that" I gasp.

"Come on lets looks at what you have." She stands up to go to my closet. We shuffle through my clothes, occasionally holding up an item, laughing at my holiday sweaters.

"What about this?" She holds up a few items. "I love it!" I smile taking the clothes from her hands. "I'll wait outside your door while you change" she smiles at me.

Once my clothes are changed I open my door for her to come back in. "You look so cute" she marvels. "Thanks, Beth" I chuckle.

"So hair? Maybe light curls?" She suggests. "I uh, don't really know how to curl my hair" I look down at my feet. "Oh Harper, I'm sure I have one in my bag, hold on one moment" she squeezes my shoulder to comfort me.

She comes back with an object that looks like a- I can't say that's just wrong. "Okay sit in front of me, I'm going to curl your hair" she smiles patting the space in front of her.

I take a breath before giving her access to my hair. "So Harper, tell me some things about yourself," she asks seeming genuinely interested.

"Well uh I love art, rain, the rain is my favorite" I smile. "Why?" "My parents used to play in the rain with me before they died." I sigh sadly.

"I'm so sorry Harper" she replies. "It's not your fault."

She finishes my hair a few minutes later. I stand to look at myself in my mirror, smiling at my hair. "You aren't like her are you?" I ponder. "Like who?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Haley" I frown. "Aaron's ex-wife?" She asks. "She didn't like me, at all." I look down to my feet. "Well then you are correct, I am nothing like her. From the little time I have been able to know you, I can tell you are an amazing, strong, and brave woman." A single tear escapes my eye.

"Harper" she whispers, pulling me into her arms. I hold onto her tightly, making sure not to hurt her. The sound of a knock on my bedroom door pulls us apart.

"Spencer is here" I can see the corner of my dad's mouth threaten a smile. "Okay" I wipe my face making sure the tears were unnoticeable.

"Have a good time, we can talk all about it when you get back" Beth kisses my cheek before we walk out the door. "He better be a gentleman." My dad says in a low voice.

"It's Spencer Reid Dad, what harm could he do" I joke before opening the front door. "Hey Spence" I smile. "Hi" he breathes out. "Ready?" I ask. "Yeah let's go" he smiles offering me his hand.

"Spence give it back!" I giggle as he holds a book over my head. "Nope" he chuckles. "Fine" I pout. "Ugh" he groans before handing me the book. "Thank you" I sing-song.

We check out the book and walk out of the library. Suddenly my feet are lifted off of the ground and Spencer carries me bridal style.

"Spence!" I giggle as he takes the book out of my hand to protect it from the sprinklers. I laugh as he drops my in the water causing me to push him onto the grass.

I stand up to run away, the familiar smell of rain filling my senses. "Spence! It's about to rain!" I smile happily as I feel the pure drops of water on my face.

Spencer wraps his arms around my waist from behind, resting his head on mine. We stand there slowly swaying from side to side for about twenty minutes.

"We should get you home, don't want you getting sick." He kisses my cheek. "You sound like my mom" I joke. "I can feel her here right now" I smile up at him.

"Is she speaking to you?" He asks gently. "She doesn't need to, I can feel her."

"What is she telling you?"

"That everything about this is right"

Beth and Harper do be mom and daughter. And the date, I want one of those anyone else?
Word Count: 945

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