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"Okay Bethany, now add a little more blue right there." I point to a small area on the canvas. "I did it, mommy!" My five-year-old girl cheers. "Yes, you did baby girl!" I grin at the finished piece.

 "Yes, you did baby girl!" I grin at the finished piece

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[Monika Luniak]

"Nicholas Harry Reid!"

"Uh oh." Bethany giggles.

"What's wrong Spence?" I call from the studio. "Nicholas says that 2•7 is 18!" Spencer groans. "He's four Spencer!" I reason.

"And?" Spencer scoffs. "Mommy, daddy is making me do math again!" Nicholas whines. "Aw, It's okay baby." I kiss the top of his head.

"Beautiful art." Spencer gazes. "Bethany helped a lot." I chuckle lightly. "Well, my two beautiful artists are going to sell so many paintings." He kisses my lips quickly.

"I hope so."

"What do you mean? Your art is flying off of shelves." Spencer smiles. "It's difficult though, spending all of my time at an easel when I want to be with you three." I ruffle his hair.

"Well I have the weekend off, let's takes the kids to the zoo." He offers. "Zoo!" They squeal. "Of course my loves." I smile.

The three of them skip down the stairs into the living room to start a movie. I hum to myself as I clean the brushes and my workspace.

I enter the living room an hour later to see Bethany and Nicholas cuddled into Spencer. I smile to myself as soft snores are heard from the three.

"My world," I whisper to myself before a loud thunder shakes the house. They stay asleep. I chuckle lightly before pulling a light blanket over the three.

I kiss the tops of their heads before slipping into a spot next to them. "Here." Spencer groans. I smile before picking up Bethany to move her to my right so Spencer can cuddle me.

"I love you."

"I love you too, my love."

12/27/20 | A huge thank you to everyone that has shown this book so much, love. Writing is something I do for fun and to ground me, I never thought so many people would love this book as much as I do. Thank you all so much
-xx Carmen
Word Count: 416

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