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I open my eyes slowly to the sight of Maya crying. "Maya?" I croak. "Shut up!" She waves the gun in my direction. "I just want to help you." I sniffle. "No one can help me now, I've fucked up." She cries.

"Why why why!" She mumbles to herself. "He manipulated me, oh my god! This isn't who I am, who I want to be!" She yells. "You can end this Maya, we can both walk out of here alive." I blink the tears away.

"I'm not going to prison." She scoffs. "Father told me all about it, told me what they do to people that kill pregnant mothers." She chuckles lightly.

"How- how did you know." I gasp. "I saw the test in your desk drawer at work." She pulls the positive test out from behind her. "You won't survive this time."


"Spencer!" I cry out as she drives the knife into my abdomen. "Harper." He rushes to my side to untie my hands. "Our baby." I sob. "Bethany is okay." He sighs. "No, I'm pregnant." I wince as he applies pressure to my wound.

"It's okay my love, you will get through this."

I wince at the harsh lighting of the hospital room. "Spencer." I croak out. "Harper." He smiles before kissing my forehead gently. "Mama!" Bethany cheers.

"My precious girl." I kiss the top of her head. "Where are the others?" I sniffle. "In the waiting room, I'll go get them." He smiles before pressing a kiss to my lips.

The rest of the team walks through the doorway of my small hospital room. "You're okay." Penelope smiles. "We're okay." I gesture to my stomach.

"I'm so proud of you Harper." My father smiles before hugging me. "That means so much to me, dad, you all do." I smile at the group. "Especially you, Spencer." I gaze at my boyfriend.

"I- I gave myself up for you and Bethany. I would do anything for the two of you." I smile at my little girl asleep on my chest. "Spence, I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you with all I am, gosh this is going to sound crazy but, do you want to get married?"

"Of course my love."

Not me crying while writing the end of this chapter-
Word Count: 422
Before I publish TWO chapters I just wanted to say Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, If you don't then happy holidays and everyone enjoy this time off school:)

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