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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿I wake up in an unfamiliar room, the walls a shade of olive green

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room, the walls a shade of olive green. The smell of old books filled my nose and I noticed something around my waist, causing me to sit up immediately.

"Harper, it's Spencer," he said sleepily. "Oh my god Spence" I hit his arm playfully. "I'm sorry" he chuckles, sitting up.

"I hate you" I groan rubbing my eyes. "I highly doubt that" he smiles. I stick my tongue out at him playfully causing him to boop my nose.

"Coffee?" He asks. "Mm please," I smile lazily. He removes the covers from his body before standing up to walk out of the room. Now that the sleep is out of my eyes I can look at my surroundings.

Books lined the shelves to the point where they had to also be on the floor. Some were classics while others were educational.

I stand up to examine the books, running my fingers over the spines. I exit the bedroom to see the main area. It looked to be an office and living space.

There were even more shelves lined to the brim with worn books. I gently picked one out flipping through the yellowed pages carefully.

The smell of coffee filled my senses as Spencer walked towards me. "I loved that one" he comments. I turn to look at him, taking one of the cups from his hand.

"Sit" he gestures to the couch. I shuffle slightly as to not spill the hot liquid. "So tell me some things about yourself Doctor Reid" I tease.

"Well I uh, I'm twenty-nine. I love to read, learn really. I've been at the BAU for about six years now and I love it." He smiles, messing with his fingers.

"Are you okay?" I ask in a soothing tone. "Yeah, It's just, my mom. She's not doing too well" His voice drips with sadness. "I understand, believe me, Spencer, I do" It wasn't a full lie.

I mean my mother wasn't doing well. She's dead.

"I have a fun idea, something my dad and I used to do" I propose. "What is it?" He looks into my eyes. His eyes are laced with a mix of sadness and trust.

"Lazer Tag."

"No Spence, I'll pay" I argue. "Nope," He replies playfully before slipping his card to the girl behind the counter. I roll my eyes at him as we walk to give our nicknames.

"Petrichor, P-E-T-R-I-C-H-O-R," I tell the girl, her face laced with confusion. "a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather," Spencer explains excitedly.

I smile up at him as he gives his name. "Eidetic, E-I-D-E-T-I-C." He smiles at the girl, the same confused look. "the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device." I explain.

The girl behind the counter shakes her head with a smile before handing us out tags.

"So, you like rain?" Spencer asks as we wait for the game to start. "I love rain, most of the memories I have of my parents were on rainy days." I smile.

"Like what?" He questions curiously. "Almost every time it rained we would put on raincoats and boots. We would play in the puddles for hours and hours." I chuckle.

"Sometimes my parents would have to drag me inside so I wouldn't get sick, I loved it too much." He smiles down at me.

"If you have an orange tag, your round will begin in five minutes"

Spencer and I walk into the black lightroom to strap on the vests and activate our laser guns. "You are going down." He chuckles as we wait for the game to begin.

"You think so?" I tease. "I know so." He replies. "What did you score on your gun qualification test?" I raise an eyebrow at him.


"100" I smirk.

"No way." He gasps. "My father is Aaron Hotchner, I've known how to shoot a gun since I was like twelve" I chuckle. "That actually makes a lot of sense." Suddenly the sound signaling the game was staring booms through the speakers.

I immediately turn to shoot Spencer causing his vest to light up. "You didn't" "I did" I giggle as I lightly jog away, no running.

Five minutes in and I've already shot seven people, not being shot once. I guess being an FBI agent gives me a slight advantage.

Suddenly my vest lights up, I turn to the small screen on my gun to see who could've shot me.

You were shot by Eidetic

I turn around slowly to see Spencer smirking. "I hate you." I groan playfully. "You love me" he chuckles. "Nope" I giggle before shooting him.

Once the round ends Spencer and I quickly put our things back and walk out of the building.

"Wasn't That Fun?" I smile. "That was amazing" he beams happily. "I told you so." I sing.

"We should do this again, you know, hang out." He scratches the back of his neck. "I would really like that Spence." I smile up at him. We get into his car, driving to his apartment before he drops me off at my house.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks as I pass by the kitchen. "I'm uh, feeling great" I stutter as a blush forms. "What's wrong?" My dad questions.

"Nothing, I'm uh gonna go shower" I run up the stairs to my bedroom. I shut my door and quickly lay on my bed, reminding myself not to fall for Spencer.

They do be falling in love tho.
Word Count: 964

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