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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"What do you mean he's not going? Every kid loves trick-or-treat" Garcia whines after JJ informs us that Henry doesn't want to participate in Halloween

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"What do you mean he's not going? Every kid loves trick-or-treat" Garcia whines after JJ informs us that Henry doesn't want to participate in Halloween. "Henry's scared! One of his little buddies told him Halloween was the only time when all the real monsters come out because they can blend in" JJ explains.

"Never thought about that! Good monster strategy" Rossi jokes. "Hum, you did tell him it wasn't true, right?" Garcia asks. "Of course I did, but he's convinced" JJ frowns.

"Childhood fears are resistant to adult logic. Sometimes you just have to wait it out." I hum a reply. "For how long?" JJ furrows her eyebrows. "Well, if he's 23 and this still worries you, you got a problem!" Rossi chuckles.

"We have a case" Garcia sighs as she looks to her tablet. I sit down in my usual spot between Spencer and my father.

"Those of you who like a good mystery, please unleash your inner Agatha Christine, 'cause this one's a real humdinger. Gary Ellard, Barry Deaver, Paul Hicks, Terry Rodgers." Four photos pop up on the screen.

"Over the course of the last month and a half, these four men in their cars in La Grande, Oregon, and drove into the never-to-be-seen-agains-ville." She grimaces.

"Forensic evidence point us anywhere?" JJ asks. "Uh, point would imply there is evidence, and there is no evidence, at least for the first three victims." She sighs.

"Either way, I doubt this unsub is stopping at four, wheels up in twenty." My dad closes his file before standing up.

I look at my locked file cabinet in guilt. I should tell someone about the note. "Ready?" I turn to see the warm eyes of my boyfriend. "Always"

"You know, aside from the outhouse, this cabin isn't so primitive," Spencer mentions. "Economics, philosophy, political theory." I name off the textbooks found on a table.

"Not exactly breezy, take-to-the-beach reading," JJ adds. "I would, but I don't really like the beach." Spencer furrows his brows. "Why is that?" JJ questions.

"Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces." Spencer lists all of his reasons causing me to smile.

"I'm sorry I asked" she chuckles before turning to me. "Is he like that, you know, all the time." She whispers. "Spencer Reid? Rambling? Rare." I joke.

I watch as they drag the woman away in handcuffs before diverting my attention to the little girl buried in the soil. She groans as I and other officers dig her out.

"Where's my mommy?" She mumbles. "They had to take her away," I reply. "Will you stay with me?" She grips my hand in hers. "Of course." I know what it feels like to lose both parents.

I ride in the ambulance with her all the way to the hospital, refusing to leave her side and flashing my badge whenever anyone asked questions.

"Garcia, did you find any family?" I answer my phone. "No sugar I'm sorry. Well, I did, but none of them are willing to take Lexy." She sighs sadly. I look at the sleeping girl in front of me. She has no one.

I also know what that feels like.

"Garcia, can you do me a favor?" I ask. "Anything" "Can you transfer her to the foster system in Virginia?" She pauses, absorbing my words. "I am the only person that she knows cares about her, I can't leave her," I add.

"I will see what I can- wait." She gasps. "What?" I ask concerned. "Her grandmother says she wants to take her." I can hear the smile in her voice. "She's on her way to you as we speak." I grin, knowing that someone will be able to look after her full time.

"Grandma!" Lexy cheers as the grey-haired woman hugs her. "Thank you for looking after my baby" The woman praises. "Of course," I reply.

"Lexy, remember, if you ever need anyone to talk to, this is my number." I hand her my card. "Thank you, Harper." She smiles.

"Excuse me, everybody. I have an announcement to make. As I'm sure some of you were aware, Henry was a little nervous about going trick-or-treating this year. But he's decided to go anyway." JJ announces with a smile.

"Great. What changed his mind?" Rossi asks. "The BAU did. I told him that he should go out on Halloween and try to figure out which monsters are real and which ones are not." She grins.

"So he wants to be a profiler." I gush. "Ah, he wants to be his favorite profiler." She gestures toward the door as the most adorable thing I have ever seen walks through the door.

Henry as Spencer Reid.

Both Spencer and I gasp happily, Spencer crouching down to see Henry eye to eye. "You look great Henry!" Spencer cheers. Spencer takes off his tag clipped on his pants, giving it to Henry.

"Tell him" Garcia whispers to the little blonde boy.

"E equals MC squared!"

I break out into the biggest smile ever watching Spencer interact with his godson, forgetting about the secret in my drawer.

This may sound weird- but I call newborn babies 'fresh' babies.
Word Count: 888

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