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"I'm going out tonight, don't wait up." Maya brushes past me almost causing me to drop the bottle in my hands. "Bye" I scoff as the front door closes. Ever since Spencer came over a week ago she has been in a pissy mood.

I pick up my phone and dial his number. "Spencer Reid here" he answers. "Spence It's Harper." My voice hints at a smile. "Harper, How is Bethany?" He asks. "She's good, misses you." I turn to look at her playing on the floor with some of her toys.

"Are you back from the case yet?" I bite my thumbnail as I wait for an answer. "I'm getting in the car to go home now." I can hear him shut a car door.

"That's good." An awkward moment of silence falls between us. "How about I come over for a few minutes to see Bethany?" He offers, causing me to grin and dance silently.

"That sounds good, she would really enjoy that." I turn to smile at Bethany as she babbles to herself. "Okay, I'll be there soon." He hangs up. I put my phone on the kitchen counter before crouching down to where Bethany is sitting.

I stack her foam blocks on top of each other so she can knock them down. She squeals happily as the blocks fall to the ground. "Again?" I ask in my mommy voice.

She ended up making me rebuild the tower ten times, enough time for Spencer to arrive.

"Hey!" I smile as he hugs me tightly. Spencer walks in and sets his bags on the couch while smiling down at Bethany.

"Hi baby girl, I missed you." He coos as she settles in his arms. "Knocking down blocks?" He gestures to the foam blocks scattered across the living room carpet.

"She loves it." I smile as she claps happily. "She also loves hide and seeks." Spencer looks at me quizzically. "I'll show you, put her on the floor and watch," I reply, getting into a crawling position.

"What are you-" Spencer is cut off by Bethany's giggles as I hide behind various pieces of furniture. Spencer's face lights up as he gazes down at her.

"Where did mommy go?" Spencer gasps as Bethany looks up at him confused. "Let's go find her." Spencer copies my position and follows Bethany as she crawls around looking for me. "There she is!" Spencer cheers as the both of them tackle me.

The three of us laugh together on the ground. "It's bedtime baby." I kiss her head. "I haven't been able to finish reading A Valentine to her before she fell asleep." I chuckle lightly as I rock her back and forth slowly.

"Can I read to her?" He asks. "Of course Spence, you are her father." I hand her to him gently. He walks into our room and sits in the rocking chair. "Can you hand me the book please?" I quirk my eyebrow, knowing he didn't need it. He scrunches his nose as he looks down at her sleepy figure.

"Here you go." He takes the book in one hand while keeping her steady in his other arm. I sit on the edge of my bed as he reads to her.

"Three eloquent words oft uttered in hearing. Of poets, by poets- as the name is a poet's too." He keeps his voice soft. "Its letters, although naturally lying. Like the knight Pinto- Mendez Ferdinando- Still form a synonym for Truth- Cease trying! You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do." He finishes, closing the book and kissing her forehead.

She smiles lightly in her sleep as he lays her in the crib. "She's so beautiful," I whisper. "It's in her genes." His eyes flick to mine.

"It's late, why don't you stay and get some sleep. I don't want you driving drowsy." I offer. "Sure." He yawns and stretches.

"You can sleep on this side, we don't have to touch," I explain. "Uh okay." He stutters before changing his clothes and sliding next to me in bed.

My eyes shoot open as his arm wraps around my waist and his face nuzzles into my neck. The feeling of being in his arms again gives me peace.

And another feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

Not me catching feels for my own book-
Word Count: 734

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