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•CW Mentions of torture•

•CW Mentions of torture•

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I lift my head up slowly, the pain all over making me groan. "You know my favorite place to hurt, is the stomach," Simon smirks.

"Please no" my voice is hoarse from screaming. "That's right beg for your life" he laughs as he plunges the knife into my stomach. "My baby!" I whine.

"What!" He shouts the question.

"My baby" I cry in pain as he stabs me three more times. Simon puts the knife down, deciding that my face needed some attention. He begins punching and slapping me, taking out all of his anger.

"I'm going to find that boyfriend of yours and gut him alive." He growls. My ears ring and eyes blur as the pain takes over my body.

I never got to tell Spencer how much I love him.

"FBI!" I must be hearing things now. "Harper!" I smile weakly at the sound of Spencer's voice. I even see his face. "I love you Spencer" I mumble before the darkness consumes me.


My leg bounces up and down as I sit in the waiting room. The bastard got away and Harper went in for surgery two hours ago, there was no telling if she would make it.

The group looks up as Section Chief Strauss enters the room. Both Hotch and I stand up waiting for the news. Strauss looks down and clears her throat before looking up again, tears in her eyes.

"No" I whisper.

"She didn't make it." Strauss sniffles. Both Hotch and I start crying. She was his daughter and my love. My baby. "Her last words to me were 'I love you'" I cry into Hotch as he hugs me.

"She did love you"


"What the hell?" I gasp looking at the director in front of me. I look around, a jet? "Harper, I'm sorry this has to be done." He sighs. "I, I thought I died," I mumble.

"You did, technically." He replies. "My baby?" Tears sting my eyes as I hold my stomach. "It's a miracle." He smiles. I cover my mouth with one hand and hold my stomach with the other.

I feel the descent of the jet.

"Where are we?" I ask as I look out the window. "Italy. It is where you will be until the team catches Simon Keller." He explains.

"When can I see them?" I ask. "You can't." He stands up. "What do you mean?" My eyes widen. "As of last night, Agent Harper Vincent is dead." He answers.

"W-what?" I gasp.

"It's for your safety Harper." He argues. "But I want to see them."

"You can't, that's final." He orders. I attempt to hold back tears as he leads me to a car.

We arrive at a small apartment, him dropping me off and giving me identification. He tells me that not even he knows what the names are.

I sit down on the neatly made bed, looking out to the view. I hate to admit that it is beautiful.

A knock on my door catches my attention. I stand up and walk slowly towards it.

The person on the other side of the door smiles before speaking. "Hi, I'm Maya, you're neighbor." She holds her hand out. I look her up and down before taking her hand in mine.

"Harper Lewis."

So.... this is the end.
Don't worry though. There may or may not be a part two.
Word Count: 577

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