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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"Oh you're not playing around" Emily chuckles as we see JJ downing some energy fluid

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"Oh you're not playing around" Emily chuckles as we see JJ downing some energy fluid. "Will's away all week, so I am playing double duty with Henry." She smiles.

"Please tell me we are still on for Saturday night because I have had it circled on my calendar for the last 23 1/2 days." Garcia whines. "I'm designated driver" I sing-song.

"Let's get started," my dad says with a straight face as always. "Okay, Atlanta field office has a serial on their hands," Garcia announces as we open our case files.

"Two prostitutes stabbed and staged in the last two weeks." Pictures of the victims popped up on the screen.

"Atlanta's crime rate has skyrocketed over the past few years, especially the proliferation of solicited sex and drug use in the downtown district," Spencer recalls.

"Maybe this guy thinks he's cleaning up the city" Emily declares. "It's rare for an unsub who targets prostitutes to pose the bodies," I add. "Means of disposal usually reflects how the person feels towards them," JJ says.

"What is he doing with them?" Garcia grimaces. "That's what we need to find out, wheels up in twenty." My dad announces.

We were now back on the jet after closing the case. The unsub, or should I say unsubs were a family. Parents and their child. The mother was obviously a psychopath along with the son, the father being a bonded participant.

"Still no sitter?" I ask as I sit down next to Spencer, across from Emily and JJ. "My sitter is not available. Apparently, I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a sitter on a Saturday night." JJ jokes.

"What's going on tonight?" Spencer furrows his brows looking up from his book. "Oh, it was ladies' night, but..." Emily looks to JJ to continue for her. "I forgot to book a sitter." She sighs.

"I'll do it." Spencer offers. "Spence" I drag. "What? I've seen an episode of Mr. Belvedere." Spencer explains. "You've never babysat by yourself before." JJ reminds him.

"You know, he could do a couple of hours," Emily mumbles causing JJ to side-eye her. "What could possibly go wrong?" Spencer jokes.

"Do you really want me to name them all?" I smirk. "Please no" Emily groans.

I can't stop the giggles escaping my mouth as I watch Emily, JJ, and Garcia groan at their headaches. "A couple hours. A couple hours. You guys didn't come home till sunrise." Spencer chuckles.

"Why are you yelling?" JJ asks in a monotone voice. "Make him stop" Emily begs. "Okay hey Jack, Jack. Earmuffs for a minute, earmuffs." Derek instructs my brother on his shoulders. I smile up at Jack, giving him two thumbs up.

"What did you guys drink last night?" Derek mutters. "The green fairy. You're in the FBI, could you get the entire crowd to stop cheering?" Garcia begs.

"By my estimates, Hotch will be finishing any minute," Spencer informs us. "You- estimated how long it would take my dad to finish his triathlon." I inquire. "Uh yeah I did" he stutters out.

I see my dad about 100 yards away. The entire group begins cheering at the sight of my father crossing the finish line. The sight of us makes my father grin, one I haven't seen in a long time.

We all walk to meet my dad as he tries to cool down. "I'll race ya" I tease Jack. "You're on" he smiles as we run to my dad. "Ugh I wish I didn't hug you" I chuckle as I pull away from my sweaty dad.

"Jack this is for you!" He breathes out as he puts the medal around Jack's neck. "Hotchner!" A pretty dark-haired woman shouts in our direction.

"Beth! Jack, Harper, there's someone I want you two to meet." My dad smiles as he leads us to the nice-looking woman. "You were amazing, congratulations!" She kisses my dad's cheek.

"Thanks. Beth, I'd like you to meet my son Jack, and my daughter Harper." He motions to us with excitement. "Hi, nice to meet you." She shakes my hand and gives me a sweet smile before looking at Jack.

"Jack, this is my friend Beth." My dad introduces her. "Hey there, Jack. It's nice to meet you." She smiles wide at my little brother. "Do you work with my dad, too?" Jack asks sweetly.

"No, we're just friends. Hey, don't tell me you made that." She gestures to the sign he made.

"Yep. I colored it myself, Harper helped me put the sparkles on." He smiles up at me. "You know what? I look at art all day long, and that, my friend, is pretty good." She laughs.

"You look at art?" I ask curiously. "Yeah, I manage a local gallery on main." She explains proudly. I look up at my dad with a smile. "Are you interested in art?" She asks.

"Yes! It's what I use to ground myself." I reply with a grin. "Me too! We should paint together sometime." She offers, causing me to look at her with disbelief. Haley never made time for me.

"I would really like that." I smile with teary eyes. "We were going to go get something to eat, would you like to join us?" My dad offers. "That sounds great" she smiles, following us to a restaurant.

So I'm all for Hotchniss and everything but I loved Beth, therefore she stays.
Word Count: 915

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