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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"That case was-" "horrible" JJ sighs

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"That case was-" "horrible" JJ sighs. "But hey, we saved those kids," Morgan replies. "I can't even begin to imagine what they went through." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asks. "No, I have a headache." I groan. "Do you want me to take you home?" He rubs my back comfortingly. I shake my head no.

"My place?"

I throw myself onto his couch dramatically after changing out of my work clothes. "You never fail to make yourself at home." He smiles down at me. I giggle as he picks me up, moving me so that my back is pressed against his chest.

I sigh contently as he kisses the top of my head. I turn my head slowly so that I can look up at him. "Hi" he chuckles. I scrunch my nose before leaning up to kiss him.

After a few seconds, I attempt to pull away, Spencer taking his hand and resting it on the side of my face. The kiss gradually becomes heated and mixed with an unfamiliar feeling.


"You know, I read somewhere, that orgasms can help relieve headaches," Spencer mumbles against the skin on my neck. "They do?" I tease. "Mhm," I can feel his hand travel down my stomach and under the waistband of my shorts.

I let out a small whine as his ring finger rubs slow circles on my clothed clit. "Spencer please." I breathe out. "Please what doll?" He asks softly.

"I-I need you" I gasp as he pushes one finger inside me. He pumps it slowly, curling his finger so that it hits the right spot. "Do you like that?" He asks.

"Yes," I breathe out as he speeds up. Just as I am teetering at the end of my climax, he stops. "Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet." He kisses my temple before getting off of the couch, lifting his shirt over his head.

I follow suit in taking off my clothes.

Once we are both left in our undergarments he hovers over me on the couch. As we kiss he reaches behind me to unclasp my bra. His lips attach to my right nipple as his hand massages my left breast.

"Spencer" I moan as he kisses back up my collar bone and neck, sucking a small hickey. "Spence" my tone is serious even though my voice is soft. "I've never, you know" I avoid his gaze.

"That's okay" he brushes hair behind my ear. "I mean I've done stuff with girls, but never you know." I gesture to his bottom half.

"Harper, we don't have to do this if you don't want to," Spencer assures me. "I want to." I nod. He smiles before leaning down to kiss me gently.

I lift my hips up to allow him to remove my underwear. When he removes his, I attempt to keep my eyes from widening at his size. Keyword: attempt.

"Harper, do you still want to do this?" He asks looking into my eyes. I nod slowly. "Words" "Yes Spencer, I want you." I gasp as he runs his hardened member through my slick folds.

The feeling of him entering me causes me to wince. "Are you okay?" He rushes to ask the question. "Just go slow" I assure him, kissing his lips gently.

He bottoms out inside me and I can tell he is resisting the urge to move. "You can move," I say under my breath. Spencer begins to slowly move in and out, making sure not to hurt me.

Once the pain dissipates and is replaced by the pleasure I let out a quiet moan. "Faster," I beg. I study the way his pupils dilate before he buries his head in my neck.

My hands wrap around his neck, tugging at his hair as he pleasures me. "Fuck" he mumbles into my neck. "Oh my god, right there Spence" I whine as his tip continuously hits my g-spot.

"Spencer, I'm-" I am cut off by my own moan. "I know" he huffs out as he moves his head to kiss me as we finish together.

"I forgot to mention I'm on birth control." I smile as I play with his hair, him still inside of me. He chuckles before kissing my shoulder.

"I sure would hope so." He smiles up at me before pulling out. He returns with a damp washcloth to clean both of us up. He carefully pulls my underwear back onto my legs before sipping his CalTech shirt over my head.

I smile as he wraps his arms around me, carrying me to his bed. He wraps his arms tightly around me from behind, biting his head on my hair.

I smile to myself as I hear his breathing slow.

"Goodnight Harper, I love you."

Not me feeling things-
Word Count: 815

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