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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿I groan at the pounding headache I wake up with

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I groan at the pounding headache I wake up with. "Did I get blown up or something?" I joke lightly. "Yes, yes you did Harper" Spencer smiles from beside me.

"Spence" I smile at him. "Well good news, we got her." He informs me. "The queen?" I ask. "Her real name is Izzy Rogers, she will be charged with multiple counts domestically," he states.

Rossi pulls back the small curtain of my makeshift hospital room. "How are you feeling kid?" He asks me. "Better than I should be, considering what happened." I laugh.

"Well, how does going to a wedding sound?"

"Emily" I smile as I bring her in for a hug. "Oh look who it is, little man Jack. Give me some." Derek smiles down at Jack. Jack gives him a big high-five.

"Jack look over there," Derek says. "A fountain!" I gasp genuinely excited. "Let's go check it out" Beth wraps an arm around my shoulder causing me to lean my head on her shoulder.

In the small amount of time, we have gotten to know each other I have quickly become attached. She doesn't mind though, I can tell she cares about me.

"Spencer is checking you out" she teases while elbowing me. "Really" my voice is laced with confusion as I turn my head to see his golden eyes on me.

"Go talk to him, after that kiss you told me about I'm sure he wants more" she giggles. "Shut up" I smile before kissing her cheek.

"Hey" I grin up to Spencer. "You um, you look really nice" he scratches the back of his neck. "Thanks" I do a twirl and pose as a joke.

"Have I ever told you that you're adorable?" He smiles. "No, I don't think you have," I smirk. "Well then let me tell you, you're adorable." He kisses the tip of my nose before taking my hand in his.

JJ and Will arrive with Henry. JJ is clueless about the fact that she is about to get married. Once Rossi informs her that she is in fact getting married her face lights up as she looks at her mother.

As we wait for JJ to get ready Spencer plays with Henry. He holds up the ring before making it 'disappear'. He motions to my ear before pulling the ring from my ear, making Henry giggle.

The small group of us stand around the arch where Will and Henry are standing. The violin begins playing as JJ walks down the aisle with her mom.

Spencer laces our hands together as she reaches the altar. I smile up at him before leaning my head against his shoulder.

JJ leans down to kiss Henry before standing to hold hands with Will. I could see the love in their eyes as they looked at each other. I want that.

Will takes the rings from the pillow that his son is holding, handing one to JJ. They each slide a ring onto the finger of the other, sealing their vows with a kiss.

Rossi taps his glass gently at the dinner table, making a toast. "They say that good things happen to good people. Today is one of those days, and these are two of those people, we love you."

We all raise our glasses "cheers"

"Dance with me?" Spencer smiles holding his hand out. "Anytime" I reply following him. The team changes dance partners throughout the night, Emily observing.

I could feel the familiar tension. "I'm gonna miss you" I hug her as we say goodbye. "How did you know?" She asks. "I could feel it" I sigh as she walks away.

"Harper" my name sounds more like a question I turn to see the familiar face of Spencer Reid. "That's me" I smile. "Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" He offers.

"I would really like that."

What are they gonna do? Who's knows? Oh wait, I do.
Word Count: 663

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