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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"What are you talking about Harper?" My dad sighs in frustration as he puts his briefcase on his desk

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"What are you talking about Harper?" My dad sighs in frustration as he puts his briefcase on his desk.

"Are you or are you not in a relationship?" I pressure the answer out of him. "It's not like that" he rubs a hand over his face.

"Then what is it, dad?" "It's just- I like her, Harper." My dad sighs out. "Is she like her?" I ask. "No." He replies quickly. "How do you know?" Tears brim my eyes.

"I just do." He holds his stare causing me to scoff. "I can't do this right now" I wave as I walk down the stairs to the bullpen. The entire team was staring at me as I walk briskly out of the building.

"Harper" Spencer rushes behind me. "What" I snap at him causing him to cower away. "I'm sorry" I apologize quickly.

"It's fine I just- do you want to stay at my place? I saw you were upset with Hotch" he explains nervously. "I would really appreciate that Spence" I sigh gratefully.

I sigh as the familiar scent of coffee and old books fills my nose. "Sorry It's a little messy" he chuckles nervously. "Oh I don't mind, my room is worse" I smile as I run my hands over the spines of old books.

"Do you want something to drink?" He offers. "A water sounds good, thank you" I smile. He fills up a glass before handing it to me.

I take a long sip before turning to look at the tv. I crouch down to look at the DVDs he owns. "You have all of the Harry Potter movies!" I squeal in excitement.

"That I do" he chuckles. "Can we please watch them?" I beg softly. "Whatever you want" he replies. I let out another squeal as I insert the disk.

I plop down onto the couch dramatically as Spencer makes a bag of popcorn. "Do you have any M&M's?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "I believe so" he turns around to look through the cabinets.

"Here they are" he smiles handing the box of candies to me. I smile before running back to my spot on the couch.

Spencer walks over with the bowl of popcorn in his hands. I pat the spot next to me to signal him to sit. He smiles as I pour the box of candies into the bowl of popcorn.

"This is the best combination known to man" I smile as I pop a handful into my mouth. He reluctantly eats a handful, a smile breaking out on his face as he tastes it.

We continue through the first movie, me spouting out facts in a very Spencer Reid fashion. He however explains how scientifically inaccurate the series is.

"Spencer that's not the point" I groan. "But the brooms can't do that!" He argues once more. "It's magic!" I respond.

"But magic doesn't really work like that" he rambles on about the history of modern magic. "Spence just enjoy the movie" I groan, laying my head in his lap gently.

My hair falls into my eyes. Spencer gently brushes the strands of hair away from my face causing me to smile. I turn my body so that I can face the tv.

The feeling of Spencer's hand in my hair slowly pulls me into a peaceful sleep-like state. "That feels nice" I smile. "Does it?" He teases.

"Don't stop" I whine as he attempts to stop his actions. "Fine" he chuckles continuing his actions. "Do you wanna talk?" His voice is low.

"I just don't want to lose my dad" I sigh sadly. "You won't" he assures me. "I also just don't want whoever this mystery woman is to dislike me the way Haley did."

"Harper, I can't tell you why Haley didn't like you, what I can tell you is anyone that doesn't like you is out of their mind" he smiles down at me.

"You are quite the charmer Spencer Reid"

Hehe, they cute or whateva. I'm loving this story, wbu?
Word Count: 681

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