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Garcia had called all of us in early, saying to meet on the jet. "Last night Michelle Bradley went missing from a friend's bachelorette party in Austin, Texas." She announces.

"Austin PD says that she is the third in a series of abductions in a week." My dad adds. "Right, the first victim, Craig Pickett, he was a student at T.U. He disappeared from a fraternity party." Garcia says.

She continues to list the victims.

"The speed and efficiency of the abduction suggests one unsub." Spencer scratches his chin. "Is he using weapons of opportunity or specifically catering his ritual to each victim?" I ponder.

"There's clear evidence of overkill on both," JJ mentions. "He's angry, but about what?" Blake asks. "Well, the motive on Heather appears sexual," I state as I look at the crime scene photos.

"He's not going to stop" Morgan sighs.

Standing in front of the local officers about to deliver the profile, my least favorite part of the job. "We believe we are looking for a white homosexual male in his mid to late twenties who is suffering from an identity crisis." My dad starts.

"This man can't accept his same-sex desires, but he can't fight them either," JJ adds. "He's most likely been repressing all sexual urges for quite some time," I add.

"How would you know that?" One of the officers asks. The team shares glances with each other. "Experience."

"The most popular motive for trying to overcome same-sex attraction is the need to be accepted by the parent or loved one" Blake announces.

Tears brim my eyes as flashbacks flood my mind.

"Why would you do that?" My mom asks. "I don't know!" I shout. "Harper, this isn't natural! It can't happen again!" My father yells. "What do you mean it isn't natural" I argue. "The Bible says-" "Daddy do not use that to put me down!" "Harper, this cannot happen again, understand me?" My mom snaps. "I hate you guys!" I yell before running to my room and slamming my door shut.

"I gotta- go" I mumble as I walk into an empty conference room. "Harper" Spencer walks into the room. "The last thing I ever said to them was 'I hate you'" my voice breaks as tears blur my vision.

"Harper you can't keep holding on to this forever." He walks closer to me. "Spencer, they're gone. I never got to saying y goodbye." I sob. He doesn't say anything, simply holds me.

"Uh, Garcia is on the phone." JJ pops her head in and out quickly. I pull away from Spencer quickly, wiping the tears from my face and taking a deep breath. "Okay, let's catch a killer." I fake a smile.

"Getting the 411 on a 622 is not easy." Garcia sighs. "I am looking up that date and June 22 is quite eventful in recent history." She informs us.

"It sounds like miss thing's got something good." Morgan smiles. "Well uh let's see." She raises an eyebrow as she types quickly.

"June 22, 1992, Supreme Court ruled Minnesota hate crime laws violated free speech. The defendant burned a cross on the front yard of an African-American family's house who lived next door." Her voice sounds more questioning than anything.

"Nothing in the UnSub's profile suggests racial motivation, though." Spencer points out.

"No, but the cross has me thinking. Many religions suggest that following through on homosexual desires invites condemnation. What if the UnSub is struggling with his faith? Garcia, are there any 6:22 Bible passages that are relevant?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah, I thought of that, but the most popular one is Matthew 6:22, and it has to do with lights and eyes. I don't see how that fits." Garcia replies.

"All right, let's look at this another way. What are the passages that specifically relate to homosexuality?" Morgan asks, causing both Spencer and I to perk up.

"That's it. He's not saying 6:22. He's saying 18:22." I announce causing the team to look at me. "As in Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, for it is an abomination." Spencer recites.

"He converted 18:22 to 6:22 p.m., like military time." Rossi realizes. "Maybe, the UnSub suffered abuse at the hand of someone citing God's will that he should change." I offer.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone took the good book and twisted it for their own agenda." Rossi sighs sadly. "Okay, but if you wanted to change someone's sexual orientation, how could you do it? I mean, you're not gonna guilt somebody into that." Morgan adds.

"I'm seeing some stuff about an ex-gay movement. It looks like some kind of a 12-step program." She explains. "A 12-step program usually doesn't traumatize the participant," Rossi mutters.

"But conversion therapy might."

We pull up to the now confirmed conversion camp. My blood is boiling at the thought of what happened to the boys here.

One of the SWAT agents cuts the lock on the steel door. The door opens and there are three boys hooked up to IVs.

These sickos thought sticking the boys in front of heterosexual porn would 'fix' them. I quickly run to them, making sure to be gentle when taking out the needle.

I feel the bile rise in my throat causing me to run out of the room. I empty the contents of my stomach, wiping my mouth.

"Is everything okay Harper?" My dad asks with concern. "No, nothing is okay."

I got tested for COVID... I'm negative haha
Word Count: 938

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