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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"I am so sorry for the delay, the system was down

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"I am so sorry for the delay, the system was down. We overwork her, and I had to go into the belly of the beast, who I have affectionately named Persephone." Garcia continues to ramble before talking about the case.

"Emma Baker" her photo appears on the screen. "38, math teacher, from Medford, Oregon." She continues to give us information on the victim.

"Wow look at that dress" I comment. "You know there were rumors of satanic rites being performed at Byberry hospital in Pennsylvania. Which is also an abandoned asylum" Spencer informs.

I try not to look him in his eyes, knowing I would give myself away. The night after our date I had a dream about him. You know, the dream. Now I can't look at him for more than five seconds without thinking about his lips on my skin.

"Harper?" JJ wakes me from my daydream. "Yeah" I fain innocence. "Wheels up" she smiles. I quickly pack up my case file, shoving it gently into my bag.

Now on the jet, I was sketching to ground myself. "Shit" I mumble to myself. "What's wrong?" Spencer asks sitting across from me. "Oh uh- nothing" I stutter heavily, trying not to look in his eyes.

He quickly reaches over with a smirk before I can even realize what is going on. "Oh" he raises his eyebrows at the sight.

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[whiteshaix on DeviantArt]

"I can explain-" "I love it" he interrupts with a smile. "You do" I reply breathlessly. "It's amazing Harper, you have a real talent you know." He chuckles lightly.

"Thanks, Spence."

"Based on the victimology, the director suggests we have an agent go undercover." Everyone's eyes turn to me. "Again?" I groan lulling my head back. "I'm sorry Harper, But it has to be done." My dad sighs.

"Okay" I sigh as JJ leads me to the locker room where they have the dress.

"Okay" I sigh as JJ leads me to the locker room where they have the dress

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"Damn you look good!" Emily compliments. "Thanks, Em." I smile as she hands me the familiar earpiece. "Hey Spence, can you help me?" I ask the obviously flustered man in front of me

"Yes," he smiles, moving my hair to the side. I try not to moan at his touch as I remember the events of my dream. "Be careful okay" he whispers, kissing my ear lightly.

"I will" I breathe.

"You are the most ravishing creature I have ever seen." A man about my age leans against the bar. I put on my signature dumb blonde act, twirling my hair around my finger.

"Is that the best line you have?" I bat my eyelashes. "Would you like to hear more? We can get out of here." He whispers into my ear.

"Go with him, Harper."

"Okay," I giggle.

He opens the front door to a mansion that could make Rossi's cry. My heart begins to race as he goes to push my hair behind the ear where my earpiece is located.

He spots the clear object immediately.

"The hell?" He growls, ripping the piece out of my ear. "Witch!" He screams as he pushes me against a wall, knocking me unconscious.

"Spence, you came" I smile lazily. "Of course I did Harper, you mean everything to me" his eyes are glossy.

The water leaves my lungs and nose as the unsub resuscitates me. "You are one of them" he hisses. "I'm not" I cry out. "Shut up." He snaps.

I close my mouth as I accept my fate.

"FBI! Let her go!" I hear the calming voice of Spencer Reid. "Spencer" I gasp as he walks towards me. "You're here" I cry as he pulls my head into his lap.

"I'm right here Harper, I'm always going to be right here." I can hear his voice crack as he cries. I hold onto him as tight as possible.

"Don't leave, please" I sob. "Never, never" he mumbles into my hair. "I'm never leaving you again."

I do be feeling emotions right about now, hbu?
Word Count: 668

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