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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"The Zodiac, seriously?" JJ jokes looking at the crime scene photos

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"The Zodiac, seriously?" JJ jokes looking at the crime scene photos. "The Zodiac operated in Northern California from at least the late 1960s to the early 1970s. The killer originated the name in a series of taunting letters and cards sent to the San Francisco Bay Area press." I ramble causing everyone to look at me.

"This is obviously a copy cat, we aren't gonna let him get away wheels up in thirty."

We were now on the jet on our way to San Francisco. The rest of the team minus Spencer and Emily was talking about the case. I however was in a corner by myself.

The sound of my pencil on the paper is all I can hear. I drown out everything else. I keep my breathing steady even though the thought of my dad having a girlfriend haunts me.

 I keep my breathing steady even though the thought of my dad having a girlfriend haunts me

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"That's really good" a soft voice compliments from beside me. "Thanks, JJ" I smile before looking back at my paper. "You know your dad loves you right?" I look at her in confusion.

"Of course I do" "Then you shouldn't worry, I'm sure he wouldn't date someone if he thought they wouldn't like you." She puts a hand over mine.

I nod my head as I look into her motherly eyes. I miss my mom so much.

After walking the most recent crime scene My dad, JJ, Emily, Spencer, and I walk towards the bureau headquarters.

"The dates match, eh, when Zodiac stopped killing, my cousin was put in a mental hospital in Mexico. He was released two months ago" a man explains causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you have anything more specific?" A reporter asks shoving a microphone in his face. "He was, eh, working on a production The Mikado in '68. Zodiac talked about The Mikado in a letter-" Spencer butts in.

"Excuse me. I'm Dr. Reid with the Behavior Analysis Unit. Was your cousin by chance a fan of Wagner? Because, eh, a CD of the Tragic Overture was sent to the police this morning" he lies causing me to hold back my laughter.

"He loved Wagner, specially the Tragic Overture. It's him!" The man continues to lie about his cousin.

"Oh, yeah. Well, for the record: a CD was not sent to the police this morning and the Tragic Overture was written by Brahms, not Wagner. So luckily, I guess it's not your cousin!" Spencer mocks a smile before turning to the cameras.

"The FBI would greatly appreciate if people would stop making false claims to get their 15 minutes of fame. Thank you. Thank you very much." He concludes before walking away.

"Sassy Reid, my favorite edition yet" I chuckle as we walk into the conference room they set up for us.

After a day passed, Emily, Spencer, and I were sitting in a café. Emily and I were watching Spencer try to solve the latest cipher.

"Does he look okay to you?" I whisper to her. "Not in the slightest." She replies sadly. "Hey, are you gonna tell us what's up?" She asks. Spencer glances up at us for a second before looking back at his paper.

"Spence, It's us" I state. "Do you guys ever wonder if you lived up to expectations?" He asks in a soft voice. "I beat them. I figured I'd be a bored socialite by 25." Emily smiles.

"And I thought I'd be an amateur artist." I chuckle lightly. "I thought I'd cure schizophrenia by the time I was 25. You know, when I was a kid, people told me that I could do anything." He frowns.

"You're afraid you've let people down?" Emily asks. "No, I'm afraid I let myself down." His voice cracks like he is about to cry.

"By not curing schizophrenia?" I ask. "No, just because... I don't know why I'm in the FBI." He looks up to us with worry in his golden eyes.

"I see. You're genius, but you have the same job as me, Morgan, JJ." Emily chuckles lightly. "Yeah, exactly. No, that's not what I'm saying. It's just sometimes... sometimes, I kind of get this feeling like... Like maybe I should have done something more with my life." He starts jokingly but ends in an opposite tone.

"How old are you? 29." Emily jokes. "I'm 30." Spencer states. "No way. We missed your birthday?" I gasp. "Well, why didn't you tell us? The fact of the matter is you're young. There's still time." Emily assures him.

"By the time Nicola Tesla was 30, he'd already invented the induction motor," Spencer argues, I could tell in Emily's eyes that she wanted to go down a different road.

"You know what? You might be right. You don't hear that much about child prodigies once they grow up. In fact, most of them turn out average." She states flatly.

"That's not true. Are you trying reverse psychology with me?" He furrows his eyebrows causing me to smile. "I'm just telling it like it is." She smirks.

"Okay you go help them set up I'll distract him" I shoo Emily away causing her to smile.

"Hey, Spence. My dad wants to talk to you. What's wrong?" I ask noticing him wince. "He probably wants to talk to me about why I've been kind of weird lately." He sighs out.

"You are making a difference, you know, one person at a time," I assure him with a hand on his bicep. "Thank you. You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about why I stayed after Gideon, one of our bosses, left. Why I didn't take any of those other offers." He waits for a response from me.

"Nothing is accidental." I smile softly. "And I realized, I don't know, there's just something incredibly right about being here, with you guys." His smile warms my heart.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Otherwise, this would have been really awkward." I hint as we walk towards the conference room. "What would have been really awkward?" He questions curiously.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!" Everyone shouts. A huge smile breaks out on Spencer's face at the sight of his cake. "Make a wish" Garcia giggles. He looks down at me before blowing out his candles.

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