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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿"I don't know Spencer it was on the porch when I got home!" "I'll be there soon, don't open it

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"I don't know Spencer it was on the porch when I got home!" "I'll be there soon, don't open it." He instructs before hanging up.

I march up the steps to Bethany's room to make sure she is still safe. "Was that a good nap princess?" I ask. She reaches her arms to me muttering 'up'. "Daddy is coming home early." I smile at my beautiful daughter.

"You're getting his hair." I chuckle at the small head of hair she has grown. "Do you want to play with your easel?" I ask her. She mumbles a yes and I set her down on the ground so she can walk to it.

I put a piece of paper on the easel and give her a colored pencil. She drags the pencil on the paper causing me to wince. Thank god it's only Crayola.

"Harper?" The voice of Spencer calms me down. "We'll be right down!" I reply.

I walk into the kitchen to see Spencer inspecting the package. "Morgan and Your dad are outside talking to the neighbors." He says passively. "I swear this is getting too much, I moved from my apartment how did they find me?" I sigh out.

"I'm not sure love." He replies. "Open it," I say. "What?" He looks up to me. "I want to know what is in it," I answer. "Harper you don't" he pleads.

"What is it, Spencer?" I ask. He holds up a small pink blanket. Bethany's pink blanket. "Oh god." I gasp, gripping Bethany tighter to my body.

"The note says that they are watching you always, and there are also photos of us." He grimaces before showing them to me.

They were photos taken through our bedroom window on an intimate night. "What the fuck." I whisper. "Language." My father says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Dad." I sigh as he gives me a brief hug. "There will be officers outside the house and around your work." My dad states. I nod my head in understanding.

"I have to be at the gallery tomorrow, I don't want to bring Bethany with me with all of this going on." I motion to the box. "Beth has offered to take care of Bethany if need be. There will be officers outside our house if Bethany is there." My dad answers.

"Sounds like a plan," I answer.

"Spencer I'm scared," I whisper to him. "I know my love. We will get this guy Okay." He replies wrapping an arm around my waist. "I feel like I can't sleep," I reply. The bed is feeling uncomfortable and I can swear someone is outside.

"What do you want me to do?" He asks. "Can you just hold me?" I reply. "Of course my love." I feel his warm breath on my neck. "I love you so much." I smile weakly.

"I love you too Harper."

I refuse to accept that I am turning 16.
Word Count: 513

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