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"So you and Spencer huh," Maya asks passively as she plays with Bethany. "He is an amazing person all around." I smile lovingly at Bethany. "She has his eyes," I comment.

"What does he do for work?" She asks. "He's a profiler with the FBI like I was before I became a full-time artist," I reply. "Did he go to college?" She questions. "Yeah, when he was 12. He's super smart, the smartest person I've ever met."

She continues asking questions about Spencer and even our relationship.

"Does he have a relationship with his parents?"

"Stop." I insist. "Oh, I hit a nerve." She teases. "God, what is with you today Maya? Why do you want to know so much about him?" I ask. "I- I just want to know the type of guy you are going to be letting around." She scoffs.

"Excuse me?" I narrow my eyes. "You are not her mother, and he is her father. I've known him much longer than I've known you and I trust him with my life. Can't say the same about you." I pick Bethany up and walk into our room.

I sigh heavily before picking up my phone. "Hey dad, can Bethany and I come over for a few hours?" I ask. "Of course Harper, you are welcome any time."

"It's so nice to have you two here." My dad smiles as he bounces Bethany on his leg. "Yeah, sorry it was so urgent, Maya and I got into a fight." I sigh. "Oh sweetie what about?" Beth asks as she hands me a glass of water.

"I don't think she likes Spence," I reply before taking a sip of water. "How?" My father asks. "She said so, well not exactly. What she said was she didn't want anyone sketchy around Bethany and me." I explain.

"Don't take her words to heart, I think she's just worried." Beth answers. "She has no other family, her parents were killed in a car accident when she was ten," I mention.

"She's probably attached herself to you and Bethany, worried about losing you two." My dad replies. "That makes sense, she thinks of Bethany as her niece." I chuckle lightly.

My phone begins to buzz in my back pocket. "It's Spence, excuse me." I stand up from my spot on the chair to answer the call.

"Hey, Spence what's up?" I ask. "I uh just wanted to hear your voice." I can hear the smile. "Aw, well here I am doctor." I tease. "It was a hard case." He sighs in frustration.

"Did you save a life?" I ask. "Yes but-" "No. No buts, you saved a life that is what you should focus on Reid." I respond. "I really needed to hear that." He chuckles lightly.

"That's what I'm good for." I smile to myself. "How is Bethany today?" He asks. "She's good, I'm at my dad's right now." I turn to listen to the giggles coming from the family room.

"Oh, just a visit or did something happen with Maya?" He asks. "Maya isn't a huge fan of you." I try to lighten the mood. "Oh." His voice drops.

"It's okay though Spence, she isn't my mother so her opinion doesn't matter to me." I chuckle lightly. "Well, that definitely makes me feel better." I smile at his words.

"I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow maybe?" I ask. "Sounds great." He hangs up. I walk back into the living room to see both my dad and Beth rolling on the carpet with Bethany.

Bethany giggles happily and attempts to string words together. I smile at my family with tears brimming my eyes.

Could life get any better?

No. But it can get worse😶
Word Count: 630

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