Chapter 1: Honey Brown Eyes

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Katya Zamolodchikova was no ordinary woman, the 36 year-old was the owner of one of the largest hotel chains in the world, having started to build her empire at the mere age of 25. She was easily one of the richest women in the world, and one of the most powerful, despite being a very private person.

"Miss Zamolodchikova, here are the copies you asked for. Also, Mr Davis called to confirm that you would be attending the charity event next month, I informed him that you would." Katya's assistant said, placing a stack of paper on her glass desk.

"Thank you, Ron. You can head home for the day, enjoy your weekend." The woman said. Ron nodded with a thank you before leaving her office. 

Katya breathed out tiredly, the day had been long and exhausting, and she couldn't wait to go home for the weekend. The entire week had been a lot, so many deals falling through because apparently no one could do their jobs properly unless Katya was breathing down their necks or cursing them out in Russian. 

For some reason the Russian-thing scared them a lot, Katya figured it was because there were rumors that she was somehow a part of the Russian mafia. The rumors had sparked from the fact that Katya had built her empire so quickly, because of course if a woman with an immigrant father succeeds there has another explanation for it. God knows, a woman couldn't just work hard, be clever in business and succeed, no of course there had to be some shady behind the scenes bullshit. It was absolutely ridiculous, but at least it was somewhat entertaining to yell random Russian words at people and have them shaking in fear. It wasn't that she enjoyed psychological terror, but it was just entertaining to yell stuff like cotton candy or teddy bear and see people assume that it meant something awful, because no one ever bothered to actually ask or put it through a translator, simply because they believed a dumb rumor.

 Katya packed up her things and went to close the tabs on her computer and turn it off, when she accidentally clicked a pop up. A camgirl site opened and a blonde, curvy girl filled her screen, the girl's soft moans filling her office. 

Holy fucking shit, this girl was hot.
She was like a living Barbie - doll, yet every feature seemed completely natural. The girl had large breasts, a tiny waist, wide hips and and ass to die for, the tiny lingerie pieces on her form doing nothing to hide her body from view. A hand was in the girl's panties, her long fingers moving diligently inside her as sweet noises left her pink, plump lips.
God, how Katya wanted to feel those lips against her own, wanted to replace those fingers with her own and fuck the pretty girl until she couldn't walk.

"Okay, calm down, Yekaterina... Jesus, I need to get laid." The woman said to herself as she shook her head at her own behvaiour. It had been over a month since she had slept with anyone, the job so demanding that she barely had any time for herself.

 The curvy girl on the screen looked directly at camera and Katya felt all the air leave her lungs. Deep honey brown eyes stared up at her, their effect nearly hypnotizing her, before a sudden pop up came to hide the livestream from view. 

Welcome to! 

Join now for exclusive live chat and private rooms for only $3,99 a month!

Katya considered for a moment. She wasn't usually the type of person to go on such sites, but her mind felt entranced by those honey brown eyes, the sound of the girl's moans more sexy than anything Katya had ever heard. The thought of being able to chat with her or have private room with her made wetness drip down Katya's toned thighs. And so, the woman clicked on the subscribe button and wrote in her details.

"Chose a nickname..." Katya read off the screen, considering for a moment before typing in;


She clicked her way back, returning to the page where the livestream of the blonde girl was shown, the name TrixieMattel sitting on the top corner of the screen. She clicked on the follow button for the girl's channel, seeing a bright smile coat the girl's lips moments later.

"Oh, we have a new follower, welcome RedScare."

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