Chapter 28: Knock On My Door

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Trixie stood nervously outside of Katya's door, key in hand as she tried to convince herself to enter the house. Katya's mom had offered to cook for them and so it really was just for the young girl to show up, but for some reason putting the key in the door and turning the handle felt like the biggest battle in the world. She just didn't want to fuck it up, didn't want her girlfriend's parents to think that she was some sort of golddigger, or that was incredibly rude.

Suddenly the door was pulled open by a stunning looking Katya. She was dressed in a deep red jumpsuit with a v-neck, her hair messily curled and her signature red lipstick present.

"Trixie? Why are you standing out here, did you forget your key?" She asked.

"Uhm, no, I was just like.. nervous.. I guess." The doll replied with a crimson blush coating her cheeks. Katya laughed warmly and pulled her inside the house, wrapping her up in a tight hug.

"Don't worry honey, they're gonna love you. You look absolutely gorgeous by the way." The older woman said, placing a soft kiss to Trixie's cheek. Trixie really did look beautiful there she stood in her light pink 50s dress, the puffy skirt almost reaching her knees. 

"Thank you." Trixie said in barely more than a whisper before leaning in for a sweet kiss.

"How sweet! You two are just adorable." A woman, who Trixie recognized from photos as Katya's mother, said from behind them. Katya blushed slightly as they pulled away.

"Hi, I'm Trixie." The doll said, reaching out a hand for the woman to shake.

"Oh darling, we'll have none of that with us. Come here." The woman said wrapping her up in a warm hug. Trixie almost felt like crying, not having realised how much she missed the hugs of a mom.

"I'm Pat by the way." The slightly grey haired woman added.

"It is very nice to meet you." Trixie said as the hug ended.

"It is so nice to meet you too, sweetheart. Our Katya has told us so much about you. Now come, come. Dinner is almost ready, but come meet my husband Alexej first." Pat said, pulling the girl with her into the dining room, Katya following close behind with a bright smile as she saw Trixie's nerves fade away by the minute.

"Alexej, this is Trixie." The woman said to a dark haired, strong looking, man with the exact same clear blue eyes as Katya.

"Ah! Trixie, you are just like what Kathinka says. You truly look like doll." The man said in a deep voice with a heavy Russian accent.

"It is so nice to meet you Mr. Zamolodchikov." The Barbie said politely as Katya guided her to sit down at the table. The blue eyed girl took the doll's hand in hers, playing with the girl's fingers a little.

"She knows how to say our last name! Yekaterina, you must marry this girl. Never again will you find anyone who can say your name like that." The man ordered, making Trixie giggle, the sight warming Katya's heart.

The dinner went swimmingly, the conversation light and upbeat, everyone getting along perfectly. Suddenly however a question came up that Trixie had no idea how to answer.

"So, Trixie, what do you do for work?" Alexej asked. The brown eyed girl coughed as food got stuck in her throat, the subject one that she had hoped to avoid.

"Well..I'm.. I sorta.. I mean I.. I do like.." She tried.

"She's a camgirl." Katya spoke honestly, making Trixie's eyes widen comically. 

How the fuck could Katya tell her parents something like that without any shame or fumbling of words?

"Oh, well that must be quite demanding. We have some costumers at Dorothy's who are camgirls actually. They do find it hard to earn enough per stream. Do you manage well, honey?" Pat asked her, as if her profession was as common as working at McDonald's.

"Yeah, I manage well, I earn quite a lot actually... But you... You're not mad? Or like.. disappointed?" Trixie asked.

"Mad? Why you think we would be mad?" Alexej asked.

"Well, because it's like.. not normal.. And it's like a last resort... I don't know... I've just rarely met people who don't think it's an awful job to have, especially not people who are older than me. I..uhm... thank you." The doll said.

"You don't have to thank us, sweetheart. You should be proud that you're making a living for yourself." Pat said in a warm voice.

"Remember what I said, they're the least judgemental people I know." Katya leaned over to tell her girlfriend.

"I think they might be the least judgmental people in the world." Trixie whispered in response.

"Also, your mom is fully the best homecook ever. My mom's food would always look crazy and she'd just go; Well, I'm sure it will taste fine. Let me tell ya, it was never more than fine." The doll added with a laugh, making Katya wheeze out.

"Do you remember ever seeing her this happy?" Pat asked her husband as they observed the pair across the table who were now fully in their own bubble, having a laughing fit.

"No, never." The man replied as he looked knowingly at his daughter.

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