Chapter 10: Casting Sharp Shadows

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Katya couldn't focus on the conversation at all. The voices of the business men around her seemed muted. All her attention was on the Barbie doll who was grinding against men and women around her on the dance floor. Even in a huge crowd of people, in a dark room, that girl stood out as if she had a spotlight on her.

The blue eyed woman wondered if Trixie knew that every single person in the room wanted to either be her or fuck her. She wondered if the young girl could feel the eyes of strangers caressing her body. If she could feel their lustful stares undressing her.

"Miss Zamolodchikova?" One of the men said, pulling her back to the conversation. 

She knew she should be paying attention, after all she was deciding if she wanted to invest in their clubs. Katya had wanted to convert their clubs into something similar to Krisis Kontrol, but the men had insisted that it was too wierd, and so she told them to join her at the club so they could see the high demand  first hand.

"Yes, Mr. Hall?" She said in a bored tone, her eyes daring him to call her out for not paying attention. Of course, the man still decided to do so. "How stupid." Katya thought to herself.

"Whatya looking at, huh?" He asked as he got up and leaned on the railing, clearly more drunk than he himself thought, his eyes going directly to the blonde doll in the middle of the floor. "Oh, look it's lifesize Barbie, no wonder you weren't paying attention." He added with a smirk, making Katya want to rip his throat out.

"Oh, that walking blow-up doll from earlier? Fuck, she is one nice piece of ass. Bet those tits would look real nice with a dick in between them, or what?" Another man, Mr. Miller said with laugh, their "locker room"- tone completely disgusting to the Russian woman. 

"Yeah, bet that ass could use a good fucking too." Mr. Hall laughed out, and that was the final straw for Katya. The blue eyed woman abruptly stood up from her seat and pushed the man harshly into the railing, her hand at his throat. 

"What about; talk to her like that again and I swear to God you can forget any hope of this deal going through, did you not understand?" The woman spat. 

"Miss Zamolodchikova. Katya. We're all friends here. And we weren't talking to her, we were just having a couple laughs." The man defended, clearly frightened.  Katya very rarely got genuinely angry, but when she did, she was absolutely terrifying.

"I am not your friend, I have never allowed you to adress me as Katya, and you should never talk about women like that. Now, get out of my club." Katya responded in a calmer tone as she removed her hand and sat back down.

"Wait, what? But we still have plans to discuss." Mr. Wang interjected. The blue eyed woman shook her head slowly as a bored expression came over her features.

"We don't have anything to discuss. This meeting is over. And as you aren't respecting my guests, I want you off my property." She said, signalling for security. Moments later, four security guards came to escort the three men out. 

"Miss Zamolodchikova, you can't be serious? It was just a joke!" Mr Miller yelled, grabbing the attention of others in the VIP section.

"I'm dead serious. Get the fuck out and never talk about Trixie or any other girl like that again. I'm not giving a dollar to you assholes, so forget it." She said with anger seeping through every word.

"You'll regret this." Mr. Hall said as a guard started to push him away. Katya almost laughed at how pathetic it sounded. It reminded her of the silly threats of a Disney villain.

"Highly doubt that. Goodbye." She responded as the men were pulled down the stairs and out of the club.

"Sorry about that everyone, have a round on the house." Katya told the people in VIP who had been watching the uncomfortable display. 

Once calm had found the upper floor again, she went over to the railing and let her eyes wander to the dancing girl once more. That sinful angel who moved her body so deliberately and yet so freely, as if she both knew that all the eyes of the room were on her whilst simultaneously acting as if she was dancing around in her living room. 

Just then, a man came up behind the girl, pulling her close and letting his hand travel across her form. Katya saw the girl slightly struggle against the man's grip, and before she knew it, she was storming downstairs and ripping the man off the doll, holding his wrist in a painfully tight grip. 

"What is it today? Is it asshole day?" She mumbled, more to herself than anyone else.

"What the fuck? Who do you think you are?" The man yelled.

"I'm the girl who's gonna get you killed unless you get the fuck away from my girlfriend." She said dropping his wrist and giving him a sarcastic smile as she held out her hand and added; "Katya."

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