Chapter 33: A House Is Not A Home

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Katya was driving her parents to LAX when her phone starting blewing up, once she saw Andrew call she picked it up through the call function in the car.

"Hey Andrew, what's up?" The girl said casually.

"Katya? Have you seen the articles?" Andrew asked.

"Articles, what articles? I'm driving my parents to the airport right now."

"The exposé about you, they released it. It's bad, really bad. They found out that you and Trixie are dating, had photos of you two together from Saint-Tropez, photos of her in underwear, and even photos from her camgirl shows. They're suggesting that she's a sugarbaby or some sort of prostitute and they even linked to her camgirl site. Your name is fucking trending at number one on Twitter, there are at least a hundred articles about it, it's a fucking shitstorm, Kat. You gotta get back here now. I'll meet you at your house and we can head to the office together." The man said.

"Fucking hell... Okay, I'll see you there soon. Bye." She said as she hung up.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What am I gonna do? This is all my fault, I should have listen to Andrew when he warned me about what would happen. The entire company could go to shreds for fucks sake. How could I be this stupid?" Katya yelled as she drove on.

"Katya, pull over." Her dad said suddenly.

"What? But we have to get you guys to the airport." The blue eyed girl responded confused.

"Forget about airport, we can go at other time. Pull over, now." The man said stricly.

Katya followed his instructions, driving off the road at the first opportunity and stopping.

"What is it? Why did you want me to stop? You heard Andrew, I've gotta hurry back to the office." She said.

"Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, I am so disappointed in you. How can you sit in car worrying about your company but not girl who is currently being ripped apart by filthy media?" Her dad spoke firmly, his volume high, yet not to the point of yelling.

"Of course I worry about her, but I've got thousands of people working for me who's jobs will all be affected if my company looses status. And I.." Katya tried to explain.

"Fuck company! You have more than enough money to last for lifetime! You can give hotel business to someone else and save reputation if that is what you are worried about. But there is a fragile, very kindhearted, sweet, young woman, who needs your full care and attention. Right now. Я думал, что воспитал тебя лучше. You love her, no?" Her dad interrupted.

"Of course I love her." 

"Well then fuck public opinion and fuck media. Они - жадные засранцы. That girl looks at you as if you have put moon in the sky. You will never find girl like that again. Who cares what her job is? She is kind and smart girl that you love, that is all that matters." Alexej said.

"Your father's right, Katya. Trixie is the only thing that you should be thinking of right now. Imagine how scared that poor girl must be. Didn't you say she was livestreaming today?" Her mom said.

"Oh my god... She was.. I gotta find her. I gotta find her, now. Are you guys okay with me not driving you to the airport?" 

"Of course Katya, just go. Hurry." Her mom said.

Katya pressed the call button in her car for Trixie's phone, calling the girl over and over, but there was no response. 

"I'm gonna drive to her apartment to see if she's still there." Katya said, driving as fast as she possibly could.

As soon as she reached Trixie's apartment complex, she ran out of the car and up to the girl's door, seeing all the lights turned off inside.

"Trixie! Trixie, it's me! Are you there?" She yelled out as she banged on the girl's door, but there was no response. She ran back out to the car, jumping into the driver's seat.

"She wasn't home?" Pat asked.

"No, no sign of her. I'm gonna head over to my house, maybe she's gone there. Andrew is also waiting for me there." Katya said as she sped off again. 

Not long after, they reached her mansion. There were reporters who were starting to set up by her main gate, but they weren't ready enough yet to stop her from driving onto her property. Katya and her parents exited the car as she burst into the house, seeing Andrew standing there in the hall.

"Andrew, have you seen Trixie. I've tried to reach her, but she isn't picking up and she isn't at home." Katya said in a stressed tone, feeling her heart sink as she saw the sad but knowing expression on the man's face.

"She just left." He said. "I tried to stop her, Katya. I really did, but her mind was made up." He added.

"She left? Left where?" 

"I don't know, but it sounded like she'd be leaving town." Andrew replied. "She told me that she left a letter for you upstairs on your bed... Listen, go read it, process it, and then try to find her. I'll deal with everything at the office, and if there's anything specific you want to be said, then just call, okay? The most important thing right now is that you go get your girl back." He said kindly. Katya thanked him before he drove off to their office.

"We'll just be downstairs if you need us, sweetheart." Her mom said with a hug before Katya made her way upstairs.

Her room seemed empty and gloomy, all traces of pink removed. For a house is not a home when there's no one there to hold you tight.

Katya looked towards her bed, and true enough, there on the mattress layed a handwritten letter and Trixie's key. Katya picked it up, feeling tears rolling down her cheeks as she viewed the tears tained paper, pressing the imprint of Trixie's lipstick against her lips for a second before reading.

Dear Katya.

I'm sorry for leaving without a proper goodbye, but I can't stay.

Everything that's happening is because of me, and I don't want to be what pulls you down. I can't bear to be the one who ruins everything you've worked so hard to build.

I loved being yours, but the truth is, you deserve better than me. You deserve someone you can be proud to show off, not someone who shows off everything for strangers online. I could never deserve someone like you, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I did. 

I wanted to say goodbye, but I knew I wouldn't be able to leave if I saw you. You're too ridiculously convincing to say goodbye to, so I had to do what I do best; run away. But this time I'm not running from Tracy Martel, I'm running from Trixie Mattel. I need to be somewhere Trixie doesn't exist. And unfortunately, that is far away from you.

I love you, Katya.
I would never do this if I didn't love you.
But I love you more than anything in the world and therefor I'm letting you go. For your happiness.

Goodbye Katya. Goodbye, my love.

I'll always keep you in my heart.


Once Katya had dried her tears and looked over the letter once more, her eyes focused on one line; I need to be somewhere Trixie doesn't exist.

And in that moment Katya realised; she knew where Trixie was going.

And Katya was going to get her back.

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