Chapter 18: Trapped Inside Glass

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"Trixie? Why are you avoiding the question?"

Trixie nervously looked down at her lap, playing with her fingers as she searched her brain for the right words. Breathing in and out deeply as she forced herself to find the courage.

She'd only ever told Kim about her family, no one else knew who Tracy Martel was and she had preferred it that way. But Katya knowing was only fair, especially considering all information about the blue eyed woman was readily available for Trixie at any time.

"Because my family isn't really my favorite subject to dicuss..." She said in a shaky voice.

"Oh, sorry. We can talk about something else if you want." Katya said as she saw how panicked the doll looked, crystal tears threatening to spill out from the honey brown eyes.

"No, it's okay. I can't tell you everything yet, it's just too much... But you deserve to know some of it at least. Truth is, my homelife was pretty shitty... Really shitty actually... So when I was sixteen I ran away, I felt I had no other choice... And so I made my way to LA slowly through waitressing at different roadside diners. My name isn't even really Trixie Mattel, to be honest." The doll admitted, suddenly feeling ashamed of not telling Katya her real name sooner. After all, how could she expect the other woman to be serious about her if she herself didn't at least attempt to break down her walls of protection?

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Trix, or well, I don't know if you still want me to call you that... I can't imagine what it must have been like to feel forced to run away at such a young age." Katya replied, nothing but worry and understanding in her eyes.
There was no anger, judgement, or dissappointment, just genuine concern. 

"Trixie's fine, I prefer Trixie. Tracy is who I was, not who I am."

"I kind of figured you know, at least that your real last name wasn't Mattel. It seemed more like a name you'd choose because of Barbie. If you don't mind me asking, what's your real name?" The blue eyed woman asked. 

"Tracy Martel. I chose Trixie because I thought it fit me better, and Mattel yes, is because of Barbie, but also to keep my initials. But Mattel felt natural, and Barbie wasn't Barbie's real name either, you know? It's short for Barbara, she changed it when she left Wisconsin for LA. I guess I related to her in more ways than one, I'm actually originally from Wisconsin too." Trixie told her, feeling a bit lighter after the weight of her truth was lifted from her shoulders. 

"Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry I pushed you, I guess I just felt nervous about knowing so little about you." Katya said. The guilt of having let Andrew's words and warnings affect her, filling her quickly.

"It's okay, I kind of feel better for telling you, and maybe one day I'll be brave enough to tell you everything. I hope someday I will. To answer your question tho, I was actually quite close to my grandparents, but I haven't seen them in ages. They're the only family I really find myself missing." Trixie said with a longing look in her eyes.

"Maybe you'll see them again some time." The other woman said, leaning over to take Trixie's hand in hers and squeeze it supportively.

"Yeah, maybe." The doll replied with a soft smile.

"Let's figure out what to order, yeah?" Katya said in a warm tone, as if speaking to a frightened child. Trixie simply nodded as she looked over the options. 

Charles returned at the request of Katya and quickly took their orders, the boy seeming slightly scared to make a mistake in front of the business mogul. Trixie somewhat found it endearing as he ran around. 

Katya filled Trixie's glass and her own with champagne and raised it to the air, the young girl following her lead.

"To new beginnings." Katya said with a kind smile and a look of admiration and care in her beautiful ocean blue orbs.

"To new beginnings." Trixie agreed, clinking her glass against Katya's.

The glasses chimed together like bells through the air, their melodious sound bringing peace to Trixie's beating heart.

The promise of a better future hanging in the air.

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