Chapter 12: Irresistible Flower

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"Take me home to yours."

That was what the brown eyed girl had whispered as soon as they had pulled away from their kiss, sending shivers down Katya's spine. And so now here they were, sat in the backseat of Katya's limo, the drive feeling painfully long. 

Trixie's fingers felt itchy where they sat in her lap as she tried not to start something in the car. But Katya just looked so incredibly fuckable, the woman wearing a form fitting suit with nothing underneath the jacket, the swell of her breasts very much on display. The doll settled her hand on the other woman's thigh as she leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Katya, I need you now." 

"We'll be there soon, baby. Just ten more minutes." The woman responded, having never done anything in public or similar situations, and feeling very nervous at the thought of doing something when her driver, who was also an older gentleman, could see them in his mirror.

"That's not soon enough." The younger girl sighed as she started kissing down Katya's throat. The warm, soft, wet touches of her plump lips working their way down towards the woman's collarbone where she sucked harshly, making Katya's thighs clench together as she failed to hold back a moan.

"Trixie..." The older woman said in a warning tone.

"Touch me. You know you want to... Touch me like I know you've wanted to during every show. Touch me as if I was yours, only yours." Trixie said in something of a mix between a whisper and a moan. The words seeming like a spell, carefully picked to put the other woman under a trance, urging her to give in.

Trixie's own hands traveled to the older woman's chest, reaching underneath the girl's blazer to squeeze the perky breasts she'd seen on camera so many times, moaning against Katya's neck as she massaged the soft flesh in her hands. When Katya still wasn't doing anything, the doll grasped the woman's hand and lead it under the short skirt of her dress until the long fingers reached her core, the only barrier being the thin fabric of a thong.

Katya groaned as she felt how soaked the girl was, wanting nothing more than to rip the tiny dress off of her and fuck her into oblivion right there in the car. Still, she held back, her fingers only touching the doll in a barely-there kind of way. Trixie made the most beautiful noises despite the very light friction, and Katya felt her own core drip at the thought of how responsive the girl had to be if this alone could cause such a reaction.

The blue eyed girl gripped the girl's chin, tilting it upwards to reconnect their lips, instantly moaning as their tounges danced around eachother. Unintentionally she started stroking the doll with more pressure making Trixie groan into the kiss as she moved her hips again the still mild touch of the other woman. The brown eyed girl's hand groped Katya's tit harder and pinched the engorged nipple, making Katya yelp, disconnecting their lips.

"Are you alright, Miss Zamolodchikova?" Her driver asked, alarmed by the noise, but luckily still keeping his eyes trained at only the road.

"Ye-Uhm, Yes, I'm perfectly fine. Thank you, Frank." She responded, clearing her throat as she heard how gravelly her voice had become.

"I'm not okay, I need your fingers inside me." Trixie whispered before sucking harshly on Katya's earlobe.

"We're almost home, Trixie." Katya argued.

"Yes, so we have time." The doll argued back, pinching and flicking the older woman's nipple playfully.

"God, you're such a brat." Katya said before moving the girl's thong to the side and abruptly stuffing her with two fingers, the girl's wetness swallowing up the digits easily. Trixie moaned prettily as she buried her face in Katya's neck, soft puffs of air hitting the older woman's sensitive skin.


"Are you always this demanding?" Katya asked the moaning girl.

"Please, Katya." The girl whined. But just then, the car came to a halt.

"We have arrived, Miss Zamolodchikova." Frank informed the business woman.

"Thank you, Frank. We'll be out shortly." She responded before sliding her fingers out of the needy girl and holding them up in front of the doll.

"Lick them clean." Katya demanded. Trixie wasted no time to do so, her warm tounge licking clean every inch of the blue eyed girl's fingers, moaning at the taste of herself as she looked up at Katya through her eyelashes.

"Good girl." The business mogul whispered as Trixie pulled back.

"Now, behave. I have staff at my house and they do not need to see my sex life, okay? We are honestly lucky if you haven't already traumatized Frank. So you are gonna behave until we are in my bedroom, understood?" Katya said sternly. Trixie nodded, clenching her thighs together at the dominant tone.

"Words, Trixie. Nodding is not a proper response." 

"Yes Katya." The doll replied as she dripped onto the leather seat of the car, the anticipation of the night to come making her body feel like sparks of electricity was running through it.

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