Chapter 20: La Vie En Rose

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"Why is it no one around here is able to their job properly?" Katya said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry Miss Zamolodchikova, we did not expect them to suddenly back out. We could not have predicted that." Sara, one of the people in Katya's marketing team said. 

"But you could have made sure to have a backup. Jesus christ, why do I need to spell everything out for everyone?" The blue eyed girl responded as she shook her head in a disappointed manner.

"Katya, calm down. It's no one's fault that the models backed out." Andrew interjected.

"I'm not blaming anyone for the models backing out, I am blaming them for not thinking they might need a plan B." She replied, anger glowing in her eyes. "это кошмар." She added in a mumble.

"Okay... How about we all take fifteen to calm down and brainstorm?" Andrew suggested, seeing all the representatives from the marketing team looking terrified.

"Fine, go." Katya said in an exhausted tone, waving them all out of her office.

She needed clarity and for someone to cheer her up, and so she called the only person she knew would do that instantly.

"Hi Katya, how are you?" Trixie asked in that warm voice. Katya loved her voice, she thought it was as sweet as honey.

They'd been dating for about a month, seeing eachother at least every third day, and texting and calling echother daily. Katya would also still try to watch Trixie's shows whenever she could, allthough lately work had been taking up all her time.

"Hi baby... Not too good, the models for the promo photoshoot for our new resort pulled out last minute, so now we have a stunning hotel in Saint-Tropez, but no models to promote it. I don't get why they didn't make sure to have atleast one backup, but apparently no one can do their job around here." Katya said in a frustrated tone.

"Well, my friends Naomi and Courtney are models, maybe they're available? When are you going again?" The doll asked.

"Oh my god, are you serious? It's this weekend, we're leaving thursday evening and we'll fly back monday morning. Trixie, if you can make this happen then you're literally a lifesaver!" The blue eyed girl responded hopefully.

"I'll call them right away, give me a second and I'll call you back, okay?" Trixie said.

"Sure, thank you so much, baby."

"No problem, Kat. I'm happy to help in any way I can." The doll replied, happy to feel useful to Katya. So often she felt as if the other woman had her life so well put together, and so it could seem like Trixie wasn't really needed, but little moments like this made her feel important.

Katya tapped her desk nervously as she waited for the brown eyed girl to call her up again, wanting to have found a solution before the team returned to the room, if nothing else just to prove a point of how she was always left to pick up the slack. She knew she was hard on her staff, but she expected perfection, and she knew people expected perfection of Zamo International.

Her phone started ringing with Trixie's ringtone and she frantically picked it up, fumbling with it awkwardly as she put it to her ear.

"So?" She said hopefully.

"So? Wow, not even a; hi Trixie?" The doll teased.

"Sorry, just a little stressed. Hi Trix." Katya said in a calmer tone.

"It's fine, don't worry. And good news, they're in!" Trixie said excitedly.

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! You're the best!" 

"It was nothing. It's also a huge opportunity for them, they haven't done any jobs this big so they were happy to get the chance." Trixie replied.

"I'm glad they're excited. But thank god, now I can breathe." Katya laughed out. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask. Do you wanna come with me this weekend?" She added in a sweet voice.

"To Saint-Tropez?" 

"Yeah, it can be an adventure for us, and you'll also have your friends there." Katya said.

"Katya, I'd love to." Trixie said, her smile evident through the sound of her voice.

"Great, then that's settled." The business woman responded as she saw her marketing team re-enter the room. "Listen, I need to go, but can you text me their contact information?" She added.

"Of course, I'll talk to you later."

"Talk to you later, Trix. Thanks again." Katya said as she hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Andrew pushed, knowing the answer just by the look on Katya's face.

"That, my dear friends, was the person who just saved all of your asses." Katya told the marketing team and Andrew.

"She fixed us models?" Andrew enquired, slightly surprised that the girl whom he'd only seen as Katya's fling until then, being able to fix something like that when their entire marketing team had been calling model agencies all day. 

"Yes, she did." Katya said, a proud smile coating her lips. 

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