Chapter 41: I Do Like You

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The reception was well underway, the three course meal being served and soon enough the speeches started. The clinking sound of a spoon hitting a glass was heard from Kim who took to the small stage they had set up in order for everyone to hear and see every speaker despite people continuing to eat.

"Hi everyone, I'm Kim, maid of honor and your toastmaster this evening. I know we have a couple speeches planned, but Trixie and Katya have also opened up the floor for anyone who wants to say or do anything.
But to start us of I would like to give my little speech.
Me and Trixie met in LA when she was still going by her birth name, Tracy.
I remember meeting a girl who was so scared, claimed to have low confidence, and yet seemed so fearless.
At the time I was still starting out and worked at a makeup counter and Trixie walked in, sat down in the chair and told me; Give me a look that will make everyone think I have confidence.
The first thing I remember thinking was; If you walk in anywhere like that, you already have confidence.
But I of course did her makeup anyways, and when I finished she took one look in the mirror and asked me; Should I be doing porn?
And I was like; Sure if, that's something you wanna do.
And this bitch literally came back to the store a week later and told me;
Kim, I signed up for a camsite, I'm a camgirl now and I love it. Oh, and by the way I have a new name, I'm now Trixie Mattel. And from that day on, I knew Trixie would be an important part of my life because I've never met anyone else with that level of determination or someone who'll make those types of blunt statements. But over time I also realised that Trixie is quite soft and fragile, and she has some barriers that few have managed to break through. However like Amy said earlier today, Katya, you managed to break through them. And I am so happy that Trixie has someone like you in her life. I hope and believe your love will outlast us all. To Trixie and Katya." Kim finished, raising her glass in a toast, which everyone else then also did. Trixie got up from her seat and wrapped her best friend up in a hug before sitting back down.

"Okay, next up we have Andrew, Katya's best man." Kim spoke before sitting down.

"Hey everyone. My story with Katya isn't quite as colorful as Kim's as we only met through me starting to work for her company. So I rather wanna talk about your relationship with Trixie. You, Katya, you can be a sunshiny ray of joy or you can be a stubborn asshole. But you also keep your promises and you keep your morals, which very few in our line of business even come close to doing, and which I myself am not always the best at which unfortunately sometimes also leads you astray.
You get easily angry, especially when you believe that someone hasn't done their job right because you always strive for perfection. But sometimes that anger gets too much for people, and things can get out of hand.
I've always been used to being the one to defuse the situation when that has happened, but then Trixie entered your life. I was extremely sceptical when Katya first mentioned Trixie, and I was quite judgemental, but Trixie, you really proved me wrong on so many occassions. The way you manage to calm Katya down instantly is incredible to me and it speaks volumes about how deep and true your connection is. You're so much braver then I thought you'd be, and that bravery has proved to be stronger than any plan I could ever come up with. I love seeing Katya relax around you. Even when when you're just in the room, she seems more grounded, just as she herself said in her vows to you. You two compliment eachother perfectly, and I wish you nothing but happiness for the future." Andrew said before stepping down.

"Thank you, Andrew." Trixie said with a soft smile.

"Thank you, but I completely disagree about me being stubborn or easily angry." Katya said sarcastically with a laugh, making everyone else laugh aswell.

"Okay, give it up for Andrew. Next, Trixie herself has a little surprise for her new wife. Trixie?" Kim said.

Trixie stood up, gaining a very confused look from Katya as she took to the stage. The girl retrieved a semi acoustic guitar from the corner of the stage, plugged it into an amp and walked over to the microphone.

"Hi everyone. I'm used to speaking to an audience, but not one quite like this." Trixie giggled, laughter spreading across the room amongst their guests aswell. 

"Katya actually didn't really know they used to sing, well until mom played that recording of me and my grandpa today. So I was gonna surprise her by singing at our wedding, so thanks spoiling that one, mom!" Trixie joked.

"You're welcome honey, I'll be here all week." Val responded jokingly, making everyone laugh. Trixie couldn't help but take the moment to savor how nice it was to be able to joke around with her mom like that again before she kept going.

"But, Katya and most people here, also won't know that I used to write songs. And well, I recently started again and I'll say I am a bit rusty, but I wrote this for you, Katya. We've been through some ups and downs, but I know we'll always find our way home to eachother. This is called I Do Like You." Trixie said before she started playing and singing the intro.

"And I don't like it when you're never home
And I don't like it when I'm sleeping alone
And I pick up the phone just to call you again
You never say never but you never say when
But I do, and I do like you
And I do, and I do like you"

Katya instantly knew that this verse was related to when they first started talking and dating. The way the blue eyed girl  would be busy at work and would miss Trixie's streams or wouldn't have time to text or call. The way she'd promise to call back later, but could never specify a time.

"And I don't like it when you call me out
And I don't like it when you're putting me down
Just picking me up on a Saturday night
All 'cause you had to, had to be right
And I do, and I do like you
And I do, and I do like you

Why does the street get louder when it gets dark?
Why do I feel that sound in the pounding in the shape of my heart?
Oooh, oooh, oooh"

Trixie's voice was incredible, and Katya didn't understand how she could possibly state that her songwriting skills were rusty. 

"And I don't like it when I feel I've been had
And I don't like it when I go to bed mad
Just to wake up again in the middle of the night
Why do you leave, baby, why do we fight?
But I do, and I do like you
And I do, and I do like you"

The blue eyed woman laughed warmly through her falling tears, reckognizing the patterns of their more silly fights which were usually caused by Katya's own stubborness, or by Trixie feeling like she'd been getting to little attention.

"And I go away, but when I come home again
We'll find a way to go back and rebegin
Back way to the stars
Back into our hearts
We can win
Why does the street get louder when it gets dark?
Why do I feel that sound in the pounding in the shape of my heart?
Oooh, oooh, oooh"

The last part was about Trixie running away to Milwaukee, there was no doubt about it. But Katya agreed, even if that were to happen again they'd find a way to rebegin. They'd always find their way back to eachother because that was their home. 

Katya stormed up from her seat and onto the stage as the song ended, wrapping the brown eyed girl up in a hug as soon as she had put away the guitar.

"I love you so much. That was incredible." Katya said, as she hugged the girl even tighter.

"I love you too." Trixie said before pulling back enough to lean in for a soft kiss, leading to all their friends cheering obnoxiously loud in the background, which made the pair pull away in laughter.

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