Chapter 30: It Wasn't Paradise

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Trixie layed wrapped up in Katya's arms, the moonlight gleaming in through the window, thousands of stars glowing on a dark blue sky.

"Tonight was really good." The brown eyed girl spoke happily. "Dinner, I mean." She added a second later, with a crimson blush.

"Oh, so the sex wasn't?" Katya teased, making the girl's blush even deeper.

"You know that's not what I meant." Trixie mumbled with an adorable pout.

"I know, baby, I'm just teasing." The blue eyed girl said warmly, kissing the other girl's lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself tho. I was afraid my parents might have overwhelmed you." She added.

"No, not at all. They are so sweet!" Trixie said as she turned around and sat up on the bed. 

"They are, aren't they?" Katya said in a proud tone, the love she had for them clear by her tone of voice.

"I wish mine were like them, then maybe I wouldn't have had to run away from home." 

"Trix, what was your family actually like? We've never talked about it fully... And it's okay if you still don't want to, but it might feel better if you do, you know?" The blue eyed girl spoke.

"Ehm.. well, it wasn't good. Or actually, it wasn't bad when I was little, back then it was just me and my mom. My dad died before I was born. We'd go see my grandparents often, have family dinners, and she'd sing me to sleep with country songs that my grandfather had taught her. I remember whenever she'd bathe me, I'd pretend to be Ariel. I'd flop my feet around in the water like a fin, and sing A Part Of Your World at the top of my lungs." Trixie explained, smiling at the fond memories. Tears threatening to spill as she wished they could return to how they once were.

"That sounds like fun." Katya said with a small smile, encouraging the girl to go on.

"It was, but then he came along." The doll replied.


"My stepdad. He wasn't so bad at first really, but after they got married, everything shifted. He kept saying that he was my mom's last chance, smug fuck. Acted like she should praise the earth he walked on because according to him; he'd married beneath him. Life with him was never a picnic, more like a come as you are. But they were still somewhat happy, I suppose... He was still mostly kind to her, kind to us, at the time. It wasn't paradise, but it was home. But then mom got pregnant. It seemed like blessing at first, they were excited and I was too. I'd always wanted a little sister. My stepdad thought the baby would save their marriage, but instead it made him colder. Colder towards my mom, and colder towards me. He started drinking, started blaming me for everything. Especially their money issues, all of those were apparently my fault.
She still held on tightly to the memory of the man she'd fallen in love with tho... I remember her finding a pair of earrings in his car... They weren't hers, but I didn't say anything. I let her act like everything was fine because it wasn't something you'd wanna discuss.
Then later on, the violence started.
First he'd slam tables, then he'd slam me into the bathroom wall, sometimes he'd even throw bottles at my head. The day I left, that day he threatened to kill me. He punched me in the stomach and pushed me down the stairs. Mom just stood there with a blank expression on her face, my little sister stood behind her, holding onto mom's leg in fear. I packed up my things later that night and snuck out of my bedroom window, changed my name, and never came back." Trixie said sadly, tears falling as she recalled the painful events.

"Oh Trixie, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what it must have been like to go through all that when you were so young... You really are the strongest person I know." Katya said wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, holding her tightly as she rubbed her back in comforting circles. They stayed like that for a while, neither of them saying a word as they both calmed down.

"You were right." Trixie spoke suddenly.

"Right about what?"

"Talking about it. It did make me feel better." The brown eyed girl replied as she snuggled further into the safety of Katya's arms, hoping she'd never have to leave the warmth of them.

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