Chapter 4: Bright Red Scare

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                             would like to request the use of your microphone and camera, please click allow to continue

Katya nervously stared at the message, having not realised that private rooms included actually getting on camera. That fact also made her wonder how many uncomfortable situations the camgirls on the site could have gotten into, allthough she supposed they might come to expect those situations after a while. The blue eyed woman pulled a mirror and her red lipstick out of her office drawer, combing through her blonde hair and reapplying her lipstick. She took off her blazer, leaving her only in a lacy black camisole and her skirt, before turning back towards the screen and pressing allow

"Holy shit..." Trixie whispered as she saw a stunning woman appear on screen. 

The curvy blonde's jaw dropped to the floor, she had hoped for RedScare to be girl, but this woman was above and beyond any expectation or hope she'd had. The girl had shoulder lenght blonde hair and bangs, strikingly blue eyes, prominent cheek bones, absolutely perfect teeth, and plump lips painted a deep shade of red.

"What?" Katya asked, unable to read if the doll's reaction was positive or negative.

"Ehm, you're just... fuck.. uh, you're like ridiculously hot. I was just like hoping for a girl, because, you know.. but god damn.." The brown eyed girl babbled, not being able to think properly. 

Katya felt a deep blush coat her cheeks at the thought of someone like Trixie, who was young and literally oozed seductiveness and confidence, finding her even mildly attractive. It wasn't that the blue eyed woman didn't consider herself attractive, but she did not see herself as attractive enough for the reaction her looks had sparked. Katya's eyes widened moments later once she realised what the doll said.

"Wait, you're a lesbian?" Katya asked in shock, hating the butterflies that appeared in her stomach as she awaited the answer.

"She's just a performer, Katya. Calm down." She thought to herself.

"Uh, yeah, I am. I'm assuming you are too, or that you're at least into girls, since you're sitting watching me in what looks to be your office." Trixie responded.

"Yeah, I'm very gay... Don't really know what that means, but yeah, I'm gay." 

Katya felt like slapping herself for how much of an idiot she sounded like, until Trixie released the most infectious laughter the older woman had ever heard. It sounded like the screech of a seagull and yet to Katya it was the most attractive noise in the world. 

"You're fun, I like you. Your little idea earlier was also really good, made me cum so hard." Trixie said, the tone of the conversation suddenly feeling hot and heavy. The brown eyed girl played with the top of the pink silk robe she had put on after her main show, the doll's hard nipples highly visible through the thin fabric.

"Would you like me to help you cum too, Red? You look so stressed, you've probably been in the office all day, haven't you? Touch yourself, babe. Let me help you let go of all that stress." Trixie spoke softly and sensually. 

"Fuck Trixie..." Katya whispered as her hand went under her panties, the girl pushing two fingers into herself again, Trixie's words getting her closer and closer to her high.

"I bet you're working so hard without anyone to take care of you. Fuck, if I was there baby, I'd crawl up under your desk and eat you out. Wouldn't you like that, Red?" Trixie said, dropping her robe and sitting back as she started rubbing her clit to the sight of the blue eyed girl on the screen.

"Oh god, yes. Fuck, you're so hot." Katya moaned as she rammed her fingers in and out of herself, her eyes never leaving the doll's perfect body which was now layed bare. 

Under any normal circumstances, Trixie would have pushed for tips before dropping the robe and again before touching herself, but the woman on camera had made her forget all about that. All Trixie could focus on was how strong the girl's tattooed arm looked as she pounded into herself, the muscles flexing deliciously. The brown eyed girl found herself wishing she could have met the woman somewhere else, then she could have asked her out for a drink and taken her home at the end of the night, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. 

Trixie reached on hand up to massage her breast, occasionally pinching or flicking the nipple as her other hand worked mercilessly on her engorged clit, the pressure building as she neared her second orgasm of the night. 

"Holy shit, you're gorgeous... Wish I could touch you.. fuck.." Katya moaned out as she marveled at the sight of the girl.

"Uhhh, I'd let you touch me anywhere.. let you fuck me so good, want you to fuck me. Shit, I wish you were here." Trixie whined needily. Usually such statements would have been exaggerated bullshit, but this time it was one hundred percent true. Trixie wanted nothing more than for the woman to fuck her.
To let those red lips worship her body.
To let those strong arms throw her on the bed
To let those long fingers pound into her. 

"Oh my god... ah Triiixiee!" Katya yelled out as she came harder than she had in ages, feeling extremely grateful that her room had thick walls and that everyone but the security guards and her driver, would have already left the building.

"Uh...Aah, fuck.. I'm cumming!" Trixie moaned as liquid squirted out. She felt her cheeks turn slightly red at that. She usually never squirted during privates, and even in the main shows it only happened occasionally.

What the hell was this mystery woman doing to her?

RedScare tipped you 3000$

Trixie stared at the screen in shock. No one ever tipped that much, and especially not in one transaction. This woman was quickly becoming her favorite viewer. 

"Oh my god, thank you. You didn't have to tip that much you know? Or at all really." The doll said honestly, as she would have been more than happy to do the private for just the small extra fee the site demanded. Well, really she would have been happy to do it for free.

"I wanted to, that was amazing, so thank you." Katya said with a smile, her bright white teeth showing.

"I hope you'll come back, not because of the money, just because I really enjoyed myself." Trixie said, feeling unaturally shy all of a sudden.

"I definitively will. I've never been on sites like this before, honestly I just clicked a pop-up by mistake, but I'm very glad I did now." The Russian spoke sincerely.

"Well, that makes me happy to hear. I hope I helped remove some of the week's stress, and I hope you'll have a good weekend." The brown eyed girl sweetly. 

"It really did, thanks, and I hope you have a good weekend too." Katya said, feeling wierd at how normal the conversation was considering what they'd just been doing. She clicked to end the session, figuring that Trixie also had things to do when the girl's voice rang out through the computer speakers once more;

"Wait, before you go, what's your name? If it's too personal, you don't have to tell me, of course.."

"It's Katya." The blue eyed girl responded, an adorable smile spreading on the doll's lips at the reply.

"Katya.. Well, then, I'll see you soon, Katya." Trixie said.

"See you soon, Trixie." The other woman replied before ending the session.

Trixie sat back in her chair, worn out and slightly sore, but with a bright smile on her lips as red lips and blue eyes circled in her mind along with a foreign sounding name;


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