Chapter 35: Little Sister

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Trixie was getting dressed for breakfast when she heard a knock on her door, her sister's slightly opening it and peaking her head in.

"Hey, can I come in?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, of course." Trixie said as she sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her.

"I.. I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday... I only partly remember what he was like to you, and even at his worst he didn't do anything half as bad towards me. And still, it's not like I don't still sometimes feel guilty for missing him after everything I knew he did. It wasn't fair to attack you for running away... I get why you felt you had to... But I was only eight and I lost my big sister... I looked up to you so much, you know? I used to play around with my dresses and makeup in my bedroom and try to look like you. Then when I got older I'd constantly look through mom's old photo albums to even remember what you looked like. Every teacher I've ever had would talk about how tragic it was that you didn't graduate because your grades were so good and you were so talented. So I worked even harder to be just as good. I decided that I had to graduate because you didn't get a chance to. I almost thought I'd gotten an extremely glorified picture of you, but you look exactly like I how I'd imagined you'd be by now. And you're even living in LA, like some sort of freaking movie star..." Samantha said.

Trixie almost had to laugh, here what seemed like the entire world had an awful view of her, and yet in her sister's eyes she was some sort of superwoman.

"I had no idea you felt that way... As foolish as it may seem, I honestly don't think I ever really thought about how much me leaving would affect you. I did miss you guys alot tho... dreamed of returning home many times, but I was too scared. I'm sorry too by the way, for not being more considerate... I get that you still miss him, you were right, he is still your dad. I won't ever forgive him, but I won't shame you for missing whatever good parts he showed you. Also, LA really isn't as magical as I think you imagine it, and I am the furthest thing from a movie star... I am actually not anything glamorous at all. I'm a fuck up, Sam. You shouldn't want to be like me at all. Truth is I started working as a camgirl, like webcam porn stuff... I'm ashamed of it now, but I actually really enjoyed it. There were creeps of course, but I made a decent living and I was my own boss." Trixie replied honestly.

"I don't think there's anything wrong in you being a camgirl if it makes you happy. I will say it's a little wierd to think about my big sister doing porn, but I don't think you should be ashamed of it. It's a job and if it managed to get you a good life away from a guy whom you were terrified of, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that." Her sister said.

Trixie felt tears rolling down her cheeks, having expected an entirely different reaction.

"Thank you."  The brown eyed girl said wrapping her arms around her sister. "When did you grow up so much, huh?" Trixie joked.

"While you were off having internet sex with yourself." Her sister joked back making Trixie scream laugh like a bird. "Oh my god, give a warning next time, you laugh like a fucking police siren." Sam added as she held her ears in a dramatic manor.

"Fuck off." Trixie responded with a playful shove.

"I like this.. having a sister to joke around with." Samantha admitted with a shy smile.

"Me too." Her big sister responded.

"Tracy, why did you leave LA? You mentioned that something happened, but what?" Sam asked after a while.

"Well, truth is I fell in love. She's amazing, just the best person and for real the most beautiful woman in the world, but she's also a really important business woman. She owns Zamo International, the hotel chain, and well some reporter found out that we were dating and they posted some really shitty articles about it." Trixie said, pulling up and example on her phone, looking through a couple before finding one with less revealing photos.

"Oh fuck, that's harsh... People are assholes. You looked happy together tho. Also... Trixie Mattel?" Her sister replied as she looked over the article.

"Ehm yeah, after I left I was a little scared of Robert finding me and I didn't really wanna be who I was, so I became Trixie Mattel instead. But well, now I feel the need to be anyone but Trixie Mattel..." 

"I like it, it suits you. You've never really been a Tracy, Trixie fits you better. Somehow, it sounds more natural." Sam said.

"Thanks, but I can't be that anymore, not with all this. That's why I left LA and Katya and everything." The brown eyed girl spoke.

"Girls! Breakfast is ready!" They heard their mom yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" Trixie yelled back.

"I get your point, but I don't think running away is the answer. Especially not from a name." Sam said as she got up from the bed and walked out. Trixie followed not long after, but just as she had reached the bottom of the staircase, the doorbell rang.

"Tracy honey, will you get that?" Her mom asked from the kitchen.

"Sure." The girl responded before opening the door to reveal an all too familiar face. The moment brought Trixie back to months before when the two had bumped into eachother randomly at a club, and once again her only reaction was to say;


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