Chapter 7: Step Out The Flames

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"Mhmm, I need you so bad, Katya..."

"Show me. Show me how much you need me." The blue eyed woman said, staring at the screen religiously as the doll slowly unwrapped the robe from her body as if the fabric was the only barrier between them.

Trixie leaned back on the bed, her hands going towards her breasts as she spread her legs towards the camera. Her legs glistening with her own juices, her pussy wet and throbbing for attention. 

"Finger yourself." Katya demanded in a deep voice as she sat back on her own bed, pulling off her uncomfortable jeans and her warm sweater, leaving her only in deep red lace underwear.

"God, you're so hot." Trixie moaned as her fingers went to her dripping core. Katya was gorgeous, all tattoos and toned muscles. The brown eyed girl wanted nothing more than to eat Katya out and be crushed between her strong thighs, and she let out a high pitched whine as she realised she was not ever gonna be able to do so. She rammed her fingers inside herself harder at a quick pace, almost punishing herself for not being able to touch the other woman. 

Katya reached for a vibrator in her drawer, placing it directly on her clit as she gripped her perky boob with her other hand, her eyes never leaving the provoking display on the screen. She groaned as she watched the curvy doll's back lift off of the mattress, feeling each whine and moan coming from those Barbie pink lips draw her closer towards the edge.

"Fuck Katya, ah, I want you to fuck me so bad. Fuck I wanna feel you inside me. Aah, God, fucking shit... it feels so good.. so good when you watch me... A-Ah-I'm cumming. KATYAAA!" Trixie yelled as she released onto her fingers and the sheets below her. 

Katya was speechless, her own orgasm having hit her like a train once she heard the other girl moan her name.
A sudden sense of sadness filled her as she realised she'd never get to hear that angelic voice moan her name unless it was through a fantasy world on screen. 

"Stop it, Katya. You need to stop this silly crush. She wouldn't be interested in you outside of this. She only likes you because you're fairly attractive and a woman. She's probably not even single." Katya scolded herself internally.

They didn't say anything for a while, Trixie just cleaned up and put her robe on again as the vulnerable feeling returned. She'd never felt this way, especially not whilst livestreaming. She was always so confident about sex, but it felt so different with those clear blue eyes staring at her. Somehow she felt more naked than she had in her entire life.

"I have to admit something." Trixie said, as she sat down a little closer to her laptop.

"What?" Katya asked with a soft smile.

"I kind of googled you... I figured Katya wasn't the most common name and that you were probably kind of important.. and I kind of wanted to see your face again... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to pry..." The doll replied nervously, a deep blush on her cheeks.

"Trixie, it's okay. It doesn't really matter, and if it did then it would have been my fault for giving you my real name. I actually find it kind of flattering." The blue eyed woman assured her.

That was a lie. Katya didn't find it kind of flattering, Katya found it completely mindblowing that the girl was interested in finding out more about her. She was internally screaming at the fact that the woman wanted to see her face. However, she'd never admit to it as it was far too cringy and would probably creep the poor girl out.

"Okay, good. Thank god, I was really worried. Also... and again I'm really sorry to pry, but your page says nothing about relationships. But like, how the fuck are you not married to some supermodel or celebrity?" Trixie said, again feeling unable to stop herself from blurting out whatever crossed her mind.

"Oh, well, I guess I just haven't really had much time for dating, and I haven't met anyone that interested me enough." Katya said, feeling slightly embarrassed to admit it.

"So... you're single?" 

"Ehm, yeah... How about you?" 

Katya had to ask, if only to convince herself that Trixie was indeed not available. She knew that she could quit childishly obsessing over the camgirl if she knew the doll was in a happy relationship, so it was better to just get the answer now and move on. However, the response was not what she had bargained for.

"I am too, kind of for the same reason.. and well, also the whole camgirl-thing." Trixie told her.

And that was the moment Katya knew;
she was absolutely fucked.

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