Chapter 19: My Destiny, My Gravity

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The dinner was going great, the food was incredible and they were both slowly learning to know who eachother was. 

"So what about your family? You mentioned your grandma and I know your dad's Russian, but that's pretty much it." Trixie said with a smile as she dug into her dessert. 

"Well, they both still live back home in Boston. They own a costume shop together called Dorothy's Costume Boutique, which a lot of local drag queens shop at which I always thought was fun. Seriously, I wanted to be a drag queen when I was younger. They met back in college, dad was studying abroad, and then he moved here after meeting mom." Katya explained happily. 

Trixie envied that joyful look in the other girl's eyes, that love that poured out once they were mentioned. She wondered if she'd have been the same way if her stepdad never entered the picture. After all, her mom was never the issue, not really. 

"What are they like?" The doll asked.

"I mean, dad's Russian, so he is brutally honest, but he is also the kindest man I've ever known. Mom is fully the sweetest person alive, that woman has endless patience. I also really like that they've never been judgemental towards anyone. I think they can even be unreasonably accepting at times." The blue eyed woman responded.

"That's incredible. You must really love them a lot." Trixie said, as she thought about how different they were from her own parents.

"I do, I miss them a lot too. When I opened my first hotel in Boston, I never thought it would lead me here, and I never planned for it to. In a sense I think LA is still overwhelming to me." Katya said honestly.

"I think LA was freeing to me, but it is big and busy... Sometimes I really miss Milwaukee, especially how it looks in the autumn, all that fall foliage in red and orange. It's so beautiful." Trixie replied.

"You're from Milwaukee?"

The doll only then realised that she'd let it slip, not entirely sure if she had actually wanted the other woman to know where she was from yet.

"Uhm yeah." She said. Luckily, Katya knew better then to push for details this time, deciding that it was better to let Trixie tell her in time.

"Cool, by the way I can not say that word." Katya laughed.

"What word?"

"Foli... foilaige.. Foilage, no wait foliage, yeah foliage... I say foilage." The business woman admitted with a goofy giggle, making Trixie release her iconic scream-laugh.

"I'm obsessed with the fact that you can't say foliage." The doll giggled out. "By the way, did you ever do the poor people thing where you look up at the clouds and do shapes?" Trixie added.

"We did one better, we took a piece of black construction paper to catch snowflakes, and then we looked at it with a magnifying glass. We did it in catholic school, and do you know what the moral of the story was? Everybody's different." Katya wheezed out. 

"Aaaah! Oh my god!" Trixie yelled out, so loudly that Katya worried that the staff might start thinking that someone was getting murdered. "Also, you were in catholic school? Are you religious?" The doll asked as she calmed down from laughing.


"Okay." Trixie replied monotonely, making both of them break out in a fit of laughter again for no reason.

The night went on and soon they found that all the quirks that others would find annoying and the humor others wouldn't get, they both understood perfectly about eachother. They were far from similar and yet neither woman had ever met a person who just instantly got them like they got eachother.

As they walked out of the restaurant the stars above them seemed to shine unusually bright. The dark night sky clear of clouds, and the full moon large and surrounded by a silver glow.

Trixie suddenly felt as if her collections of wounds no longer mattered. The monsters of the past vanishing from her mind as red roses started to bloom from the thorny vines in her memory.
A new life was becoming clear, and maybe their different professions and backgrounds didn't matter as much as she had worried they might. 

Adults so often want a quick answer, but both Trixie and Katya finally trusted that their answers would come in time. Their inner watch becoming impossibly large, the second hand ticking away slowly. There was no need to rush eachother because they had all the time in the world. 

And in the meantime, they had a connection that others may only dream of. A connection that shone beautifully around them, just like a dream, through the warmth of their eyes as they looked at eachother.

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