Chapter 25: In Your Arms

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"Trixie, baby, wake up. We've landed sweetheart." Katya whispered softly into the ear of the sleeping angel next to her.

"Goodluck with that, Trixie never wakes up easily." Naomi teased as she followed Courtney and Andrew off the jet.

Katya thought about the statement and moments later she picked the doll up from her seat, carrying her bridal style into her limo that was waiting outside the plane.

"Oh wow, where do I get myself a Katya?" Courtney joked to Naomi, loud enough for the blue eyed girl to hear it.

"Katya?" Trixie's groggy voice said.

"Hi honey." Katya responded warmly, pushing away some strands of hair from the doll's face.

"Why am I in your limo? I need to drive my car back." The girl spoke, a little more clearly than before.

"I'll get someone to pick it up and drive it home for you. You're too tired to drive anyways." The older woman responded, kissing her girlfriend softly before putting on her seatbelt for her.

"You spoil her too much." Naomi said with an amused smile.

"Nah, it isn't possible to spoil her too much." Katya said with a smirk.

"Fuck, you guys are cute." Courtney squealed like a schoolgirl.

"Well, I'm glad you guys approve." The blue eyed woman responded.

"Of course, honestly I've never seen her this happy. Haven't seen her trust someone this much either. So, please don't hurt her. She might look confident online, but she's got a fragile heart." Naomi said honestly.

"I won't, don't worry." Katya said, unable to imagine a scenario where anything could come between them, unaware that trouble was already brewing around them.

"Well, I have a girlfriend to drive home. I'll see you guys soon, yeah? And thanks again." The business woman said.

"No problem at all, see you soon." Courtney said as Katya made her way into the limo.

"Where to Miss Zamolodchikova?" Her driver asked.


"Your home?" Trixie asked.

"Well, ours, if you want it to be." Katya replied.

"Ours? Like move in together?"

"I know it's crazy early, I mean we only officially became a couple yesterday, but I know when a thing is right. We don't have to do it compeltely yet tho. What if I just get you a key to my place and you can keep some of your things there? That way you'll still have your own place. It can be like a transition phase." The older woman suggested.

Trixie considered the offer for a moment. It seemed insane to take such a huge step so early. But at the same time, she couldn't see a future without Katya in it, so why wait?

"I'd really like that." She admitted with a slight blush.

"Good, then it's settled." Katya said with a bright smile, poking the doll's nose and loving how she instantly scrunched it up.

The drive from the airport seemed unbelievable short, time passing quickly whenever the pair were together, and soon enough they had arrived at Katya's mansion.

"Welcome home Miss Zamolodchikova and Miss Mattel." The driver said as he opened the door for them.

"Welcome home Miss Mattel." Katya said softly as they walked towards the front door. Trixie wrapped her arms around the older woman's neck and kissed her sweetly.

"Welcome home Miss Zamolodchikova." She replied with a beaming smile.

Katya took the doll's hand and lead her inside the mansion, the same way they'd walked into it a thousand times before. And yet, entering the house on this occasion felt completely new.

This time they weren't entering Katya's house.

This time they were entering their house.

Their home.

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