Chapter 23: Curves Of Our Bodies

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"How are you feeling?" Trixie asked as she and Katya stepped into their hotel suite.

"Good, tired, but I'm happy with how the shoot went. Thank you, babe, you were right." Katya replied as she pulled off her shoes.

"You're welcome." The doll said softly. The blue eyed girl wrapped the younger girl up in her arms, hugging her closely and kissing the top of her head. 

"How about we shower and go out to dinner, huh?" Katya suggested.

The brown eyed girl pulled out of the embrace with a smirk, her hand dropping from the older woman's shoulder and trailing it's way over her chest, itchy fingers playing with the buttons of the girl's button-down shirt.

"Only if we take that shower together." Trixie said in a breathy tone, her seductive gaze instantly turning Katya on. 

The doll took the older woman's hand, pulling her with her towards the large bathroom. Soft pink lips caressed the skin of Katya's neck, whilst impatient hands undid the buttons of her shirt, pushing it down her shoulders. Katya's hands went to Trixie's short 60s dress, pulling it over the girl's head. They covered eachother in kisses and removed the remaining clothes, before Trixie leaned back to turn on the shower. Soon they stepped under the stream of water, warmth engulfing them as their lips connected in a heated kiss.

Katya pushed Trixie up against the shower wall as their tounges circled eachother. She gripped onto the doll's slim waist with one hand, the other grabbing onto the girl's huge breast, squeezing the soft flesh in her hand. Trixie's hands went to the blue eyed girl's hips, pulling her impossibly close and adjusting their position so her leg was between Katya's thighs, and Katya's was between hers. They grinded against eachother in slow deliberate movements as moans and whines blended together in the kiss.

"Katya, let me take care of you." Trixe pulled away to say, groaning as Katya's lips latched onto the sweet spot above her collarbone. "You've been so stressed, baby, you deserve to just relax." The brown eyed girl whispered hotly, Katya moaning out at the tone of her voice. 

Trixie moved them away from the wall before she sank down on her knees below the steady stream of water, the tiled floor digging into her knees as she leaned forward, licking into Katya's dripping opening. 

Katya gripped the glass wall of the shower in a tight grip as she practically rode the young girl's face, the doll's hot, wet tounge circling inside her, wonderfully changing pressure and technique at all the right moments, nothing ever seeming repetitive. The blue eyed girl's head fell back as her hand burried itself into Trixie's hair, gripping it almost punishingly as she neared her high. Trixie's hand came up to work it's magic on Katya's clit, quick movements alternating between moving back and forth and in circles, the action sending Katya over the edge.

"Oh god! Trixie! FUCK!" She moaned out loudly as she held Trixie's head in place against her pussy, desperate for the girl to stay until her high had passed. 

When Katya finally came down from the heights of euphoria and her hand let go of Trixie, the doll gasped for air, almost collapsing on the tiles if not for the older woman pulling her into a warm embrace.

Katya sat down in the shower next to Trixie, moving the young girl so that she was half-laying on her back on Katya's lap. The blue eyed girl caressed Trixie's cheek before placing a soft kiss to her plump lips and reaching a hand in between the young girl's legs. Tired moans escaped the doll as Katya's fingers entered her and started pumping in and out. 

"Uh... feels so good... uh.. so good.. a-aah.." Trixie's soft voice called out as skilled digits worked their magic inside her.

"You're so pretty, Trixie. So beautiful. So pretty for me, always... Prettiest in the world, my baby.." Katya whispered into the doll's ear.

"mm-I'm close.."

"That's right, my sensitive babygirl. My beautiful sensitive baby. Let go, Trixie. Let pleasure take over." Katya said as her fingers sped up, purposefully hitting the girl's g-spot over and over.

"Ah.. uh, fuck.. Mmm, Katya.. Mmm..." Trixie whined tiredly, biting her lower lip on and off unconsciously as she rode out her orgasm. 

Katya removed her fingers and held them up in front of the girl, the doll wasting no time to lick them clean despite the fact that they were sitting under running water. The older woman wrapped her arms around Trixie, cradling her as if she was the most fragile thing in the world and rocking them both slightly back and forth. 

"How about we order room service instead of going out?" Katya suggested, kissing the forehead of the exhausted girl in her arms.

"That sounds good." Trixie replied as she yawned, scrunching her nose up cutely before snuggling closer to Katya. 

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