Chapter 40: You Belong To Me

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It was a perfect day, the sun stood high on the sky, glowing candles in glass jars hung from every tree, and thousands of flowers bloomed around them as Trixie stepped out of the house in a white dress. Katya felt herself stop breathing as she saw her fiancé in her wedding dress for the first time. It was flowy, layers of thin tulle which you could partly see through, a sheer off the shoulder bodice covered with lace flower appliqués that traveled down onto the skirt, and on top of her head sat a pink flower crown, her hair underneath it styled in loose waves. The girl looked magical, almost like some sort of forest nymph as she made her way down the outdoor aisle hand in hand with her mother.

Katya herself had gone in the completely other direction, chosing a formfitted, but stylish pearl white suit. They'd kept it simple as per Trixie's request, having the wedding in the garden of the mansion and the reception inside in the large dining hall. The only guests there were the people who really mattered, all of  Trixie's close friends, all of Katya's closest friends and colleagues, Trixie's mom and sister, and Katya's parents. Amy had offered to be their officiant, having apparently officiated weddings for friends before, and they'd settled for having two wedding photographers who's photos would we released to the public after the wedding.

As Trixie walked down the aisle, Katya heard an unfamiliar track start to play. They hadn't really discussed the music that much because for some reason Katya's mother had insisted that the responsibillity should be left with Trixie's mom. The sound of fingerpicking on a guitar filled the garden before the warm voice of a young girl accompanied it. It took Katya a second until she realised why it sounded so familiar, that was Trixie's voice. The lyrics were more than untradional for a wedding, but Katya didn't care, somehow that seemed to perfectly fit their love story.

I see you stepping high with your tight blue jeans on
Strutting like a button down paragon
I reckon you're looking for some necking, yes I do
Climb right on up into my manger
But let me warn you 'bout one small danger, babe
I can't shake the stranger out of you

Trixie felt tears threatening to spill as she heard the recording play. It was a recording from not long before she had left Milwaukee for the first time. A recording she didn't know her mom even knew about. A recording of her and her grandpa playing together on his porch. Trixie had come to learn that her grandparents had passed away whilst she was gone, the news unsurprising but still heartbreaking. So, when the rusty vocals of an old man sang out from the speakers, her tears started falling uncontrollably. 

I see you prancing and preening as smooth as you can
You're hotter than the popcorn dancing in the pan
Out to capture a chunk of rapture with someone new
Well, I can hit the sack like an aristocrat
If you're looking for a trick in a box of crackerjacks
But I can't shake the stranger out of you
Out of you, out of you, out of you
Out of you, out of you, out of you

"Mom, how?" Trixie said through tears.

"Your grandparents kept a box of things related to you, dad had it saved on a CD which they'd put there. We found it when we cleared out their house. I figured you'd want a bit of him with you on your wedding day, since he'd be the one walking you down the aisle if he was still here. I wondered for a while why he taught you that song, since it was made by Lavender Country and they were so known for their gay-themed music, but it made sense when you came home and told me you had a girlfriend." Val told her daughter.

"Thank you, truly thank you." Trixie replied as they heard the last verse play.

So you're hot to trot for the next buckaroo
Who's got the stuff to put a saddle on you
Ride you higher in the fires of desire than you ever knew
All your favorite fantasies will come to an end
You'll be waking up tomorrow needin' a friend
'Cause I can't shake the stranger out of you
Out of you, out of you, out of you
Out of you, out of you, out of you

"Was that you and your grandfather?" Katya asked once they reached her and Trixie's mom had given her away with a hug to both the girls.

"Yeah, mom found an old recording. I had no idea it even still existed." Trixie replied.

"You have a beautiful singing voice, he did to, but yours is just wow." The older woman replied making Trixie blush.

"Thank you." The doll replied.

"Mom was right about leaving the music to your mom." Katya said glancing over at her own mother who was smirking in a "I told you so" - manner.

"She really was."

"Anyways, do you guys wanna get married today or tomorrow?" Amy joked, pulling their attention back on the actual wedding.

"Today, preferably." Katya replied with a beaming smile.

"Okay, great then, let's get started. Thank you all for coming, allthough there aren't a lot of us here, we have all come here today to celebrate the love of Trixie and Katya. When I first heard about Katya from Trixie, I knew she was special. Trixie never got truly attached to anyone, never trusted people to stick around, but she trusted Katya and she let her in. And I knew right away that they'd stay together for a long time. Trixie and Katya, have been together shorter than most people have before getting married, and yet I have no doubt that their love will last a lifetime. You two have found something that most people only dream of, something that's untouchable, even tho you've had to face the wrath of the world more than most. And today, the love between you will join you as one. Now we will hear the words the two of you most want to share with eachother." Amy said, perfectly calm and caring throughout her opening speech before she handed Trixie her pre-written vows.

"Katya, it's insane to think that all of this started with your unique screen name, but from the moment I saw the words Red Scare in my chat, I was intrigued. And you've never failed to fascinate me. We've both messed up and we've both run away in our ways out fear of the consequences from the world, but I am so proud to say we made it through because it makes me trust that we can face anything in the future. You made me feel good enough, you made me feel strong, and you've pushed me to face my battles. You have a view on the world that's unlike anyone I've ever met, and yet sometimes you really need to be pulled back to earth. But you are my one in a million, our love is one in a million, and I promise to protect that love beyond the end. Thank you for giving me a home again." Trixie said trying to hold back tears as she spoke, something Katya wasn't able to do at all.

"Oh shit, my makeup is gonna be completely ruined." Katya laughed as she took her vows from Amy.
"Trixie, when I stumbled onto your stream, I never thought that I'd be marrying the girl on the screen, but your eyes hypnotized me from the very first second. You are the strongest person I've ever met, and tho you doubt yourself at times, I want you to know that you inspire me to be a better person. Like I've said many times before, you keep me grounded. And I know you find it super cheesy when I say this, but you truly are my gravity. I love you so much, and I can't wait to keep falling in love with you every day for the rest of my life." The blue eyed girl said, making Trixie's tears fall once again. Katya went in to kiss her but Trixie pulled back as the ceremony wasn't over yet, making the two of them and their guests break out in laughter.

"Wait until we're married!" The doll laughed out.

"Yeah, Katya no jumping the gun." Amy said through laughter. "Okay, Katya, do you take Trixie Mattel to be your wife?" 

"I do."

"And Trixie, do you take Katya Zamolodchikova to be your wife?" Amy asked.

"Of course I do."

"Then, by the power invested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you wife and wife. Katya, you may now actually kiss your bride." Amy said with a beaming smile.

Katya wrapped her arms around Trixie's waist, the doll's arms coming up on Katya's shoulders as their lips met in a perfect kiss accompanied by the loud cheers of their friends and family.

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