Chapter 36: The World Fades Away

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"Hi." Katya said awkwardly, only realising now that big romantic gestures to people who've run away from you, aren't as glamorous in real life as they may seem on film.

"What are you doing here?" Trixie asked.

"Who is it sweetie?" Trixie's mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh, just a friend mom, I'll only be a minute!" The doll yelled back. Katya tried to ignore how much it hurt to be referred to as "just a friend". 

"Uhm, well... So.. Here's the thing... Ehm. Fuck.. I swear I had like a whole speech prepared... Basically, I know you said you left for my sake, but Trix, my life is hell without you. I wanted to come right away, but I had some things to prepare first so that this could work. And if you just give me a chance, I swear I'll make everything good again. We can travel the world, we can move out of the country if you want. I'll take care of you, I'll be better, I'll give up the company if I have to, just.." 

"Katya.. Katya, stop. Please, stop." Trixie interrupted. "Please don't try to sell me on reasons to want you. I don't need you to find proof of why I should like you, you don't have to convince me of that.. I just.. I don't need you to fix something I'd rather forget..." The doll added sadly.

"Trixie, please just listen. Please.. Please, just give me a chance to explain. Forget the world for a minute, forget everyone out there, because their bullshit opinions don't matter. So forget everything and just answer this; if it was just you and me, would you still want us to be together?" Katya said, tears threatening to spill. 

"If it was just you and me.. Then, yeah, I'd want us to be together." Trixie admitted.

"Well, then that's all that matters. I love you, and it took me a minute to realise how much I'm willing to give up for that love, but now I know I'm willing to risk anything for that. And I have a plan. I've prepared a statement which will be released everywhere online by Andrew on my signal. That statement will remove any doubt surrounding what our relationship is, and if they still throw shit after that, then fuck them all. But I honestly think this will work, Trixie. I just needed something first." Katya said as she reached into her pocket.

"And what is that?" The brown eyed girl asked.

"Your hand in marriage." The other woman said as she got down on one knee and held out a pink diamond ring. "Trixie Mattel, or Tracy Martel, or Talulah Maraschino, or whatever fucking name you decide to live under, will you marry me?"

Trixie considered it for a moment.
She had no doubts about marrying Katya. It didn't matter how short they'd known eachother, she knew marrying that girl would bring her endless happiness. It was all the other stuff that scared her. The media circus and all the online hate.

Could she really handle that?

Then she remembered what her sister had said about running away. Trixie had been running away since she was 16, maybe it was finally time to stop running...

"Yes, I will marry you." Trixie said with tears falling down her cheeks, as Katya slid the ring onto her finger before standing back up and kissing her.

"Oh my god, my baby is getting married!" They heard a woman's voice say from behind them.

"Mom? Sam? How long have you guys been standing there?" Trixie asked.

"Well, since Sam informed me of what all the drama was about and we decided that we needed to witness whatever grand romantic gesture Katya was going to do." Val explained. "Hi by the way, I'm Val, Tracy's.. oh wait, Trixie's mother." The woman added towards Katya.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Katya said with a cute little wave.

"Okay, anyways.. Katya, I don't want you to release that statement." The doll stated a little awkwardly. 

"What? Why not?" The blue eyed girl asked confused.

"Because I want us to hold a press conference together instead. I want to face my problems head on, I've done enough running. What I do isn't shameful and I wanna tell that to the world. I know you told me that and your parents too, but it took hearing it from my sister to make me really believe it myself. But now I do, and I don't want to be hiding myself away because then I'm making it seem like it is something I should feel ashamed of. When you find that something about the world is wrong, you can't just grin and bear it and keep quiet, 'cause then nothing will ever change. No one's attitudes towards something will change if everyone keeps accepting that it's something we should feel ashamed of. If I do that then I might aswell be saying that I think that what they're doing is okay. And that's not right. So I'm gonna speak up instead, and stand tall against the storm." Trixie said confidently, a flame of determination glowing in her eyes.

"You really are the strongest person I know. I love you so much, and I think it is a brilliant idea." Katya said, wrapping the girl up in her arms, loving the way they fit together perfectly.

They spent the rest of the day at Trixie's house, which allowed Katya the chance to get to know the girl's family, and Katya contacted Andrew and Ron to make sure a press conference would be arranged and ready by the time the pair got back to LA.

Everything was set up, now they just needed to head into the battlefield and hope for the best.

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