Chapter 16: The Reckless One

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"The investors aren't happy, Katya. You promised them a club expantion. I don't know how you expect me to fix this." Andrew told the hotel mogul. Andrew was Katya's second in command and the only one except her assistant who wasn't intimidated by her.

"The investors can go fuck themselves, those men were pigs and I refuse to enhance the wealth of assholes like them." Katya told him leaning back in her office chair as she mumbled out; "Гребаные свиньи. Они заслуживают, чтобы их члены были отрезаны."

"What the hell did they say to make you act like this? They told the investors that you kicked them out of your club for no reason." The Asian man said as he sat down in a black leather couch in the corner of her spacious office. Katya kinda felt bad, knowing that she had fed Andrew to the wolves by not attending the board meeting in order to watch Trixie's stream the day before.

"I had more than enough reason. They offended a friend of mine, and continued to make disgusting remarks about what they wanted to do to her once we were in the VIP section." The woman explained.

"A friend? Really? Listen, I know that you'll speak up against people who act like that but you've never thrown out a multi-million dollar deal because of it. Who is she?" Andrew pushed. Katya knew better than to lie to him, he knew her far too well and would see through it in seconds.

"Okay, so I'm kinda seeing her. We're going out for dinner tonight." The blonde admitted. This seemed to peak Andrew's interest.

"Oh wow, you haven't gone on a date in ages. What's her name?" 

"Trixie, and honestly she's not like anyone I've ever met. She's adorable, sexy, shy, confident, and my god so damn gorgeous. She's a fucking enigma and I find myself wanting to figure her out." Katya said, speaking as if the girl was some magical being.

"Shit, she's really got you wrapped around her little finger, hasn't she?" Andrew laughed out, making the blue eyed girl blush a deep crimson. "How'd you meet her?" He added.

Katya didn't know what to say. She could try lying, but she knew it wouldn't work, and yet the truth seemed too endlessly complicated to admit.

"Well... uhm.. I kind of.. I met her at a... a camgirl site.." The woman mumbled. "But we met by chance at my club after that and hooked up and..." She tried explaining once she saw the sceptical look in Andrew's eyes.

"A camgirl, really Katya? You threw away this fucking deal because some guys made sexual comments about a fucking camgirl?" The man said outraged. This pissed Katya off greatly and she stood up in anger.

"Firstly, they had no idea what she works as. Secondly, her being in the sex industry does not in any way mean that they have a right to talk about her like that! It is a job, not who she is! Thirdly, I threw away that deal because I didn't think I should be supporting people like them, so keep Trixie out of it." Katya yelled at him.

"Okay, fine, I get it, I was out of line. But still Katya, this girl could be using you for your money for all you know... And if people found out... shit, Katya.. If people found out who she is, what she is, it would be a fucking shitshow. Do you realise that? The board members would go nuts... The press would have a field day..." The man said in a calmer tone, seeming genuinely worried, and truthfully, it was his job to be worried.

"I really don't think she is using me, she knows I've got money, but she's not like that." Katya said. Andrew didn't look convinced, but mumbled an okay. "And it might be nothing, you know? We could go out tonight and find out that we're not compatible, or it could end in a week like so many of my other flings.." Katya added. 

She hoped it wouldn't be like that, but it could. In no universe could she see her own infatuation with Trixie blowing over, but she had no control over what the other woman would feel. Of course, if it lasted, all the points that Andrew had made could become an issue. 

But maybe people wouldn't find out? 

Maybe Andrew was just making a big deal out of nothing?

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