Chapter 21: Someone Like You

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"We're going in that?" Trixie asked as she stared at the luxurious private jet.

"Of course, that's why I own one; to fly places." Katya stated as if it was as common a statement as saying you'd brushed your teeth that morning.

"You own this?" The doll said in shock making Katya laugh.

"Yes, baby. Now, come on, we need to get going. Where are your friends?" Katya said as she took Trixie's hand in hers and lifted it to kiss her wrist softly.

"They're with Andrew." Trixie replied.

"Okay, so likely already on board considering how much time we spent on getting your suitcases out of your car." The blue eyed girl teased.

"Hey, you told me to pack casual clothes, elegant clothes and swimwear options!" The Barbie argued, making the other woman smile warmly and shake her head.

"That does not mean every piece of casual clothing, elegant clothing or every swimwear option. How could you possibly fill two large suitcases for a weekend trip?" 

"You're bullying me, I don't wanna be here anymore." Trixie whined, pouting her lip out cutely. Katya poked it playfully.

"Yes, you do, you little drama queen." She said as she pulled the girl with her onto the plane, a smile coating the doll's pretty pink lips moments later.

The inside of the jet was spacious and grand, the decor simple but beautiful, white leather couches on each side of the room with small golden coffee tables infront. It reminded Trixie more of an awkwardly spaced living room than a plane. Katya walked confidently over to a large comfortable chair in the very front of the room, guiding Trixie into the chair next to it. The Barbie-doll couldn't help but feel like a Princess sitting next to a Queen in a throne room.

"Trixie, this is incredible!" Courtney said, making the doll smile brightly. "Thank you so much for getting us this job. Oh, and thank you Miss Zamolodchikova, for allowing us this opportunity." The petite blonde added.

"No need to thank me. You guys are really the ones who deserve a thank you for agreeing to this so last minute. And please just call me Katya, it feels awkward to have Trixie's friends call me anything else." The business mogul said.

"Oh, she's a keeper, Trix." Naomi leaned over to whisper to Trixie. However Katya still heard it, a blush coating her pale cheeks at the comment.
Truthfully, Katya also felt nervous about meeting Trixie's friends as she had until then only really met Kim. As the brown eyed girl had no contact with her family, Katya saw meeting her friends as equally as important as most would consider meeting their girlfriend's family.


That word caused Katya quite the headache. Her mouth longing to say that word freely, but her heart too scared of being shattered to ask officially. She was hoping this trip would offer the perfect opportunity to finally ask, as not being able to call Trixie hers was becoming painful.

That Barbie-doll had come into her life and painted her world in shades of pink and purple. A simple smile could turn Katya's small world from black and white and into a technicolor paradise. So much of her life she'd spent on making carefully planned business decisions, but for once she just wanted to follow her heart and let it lead her anywhere. 

Every moment Trixie was around her, she felt as if she was loosing her breath whilst simultaneously learning how to breathe for the very first time. Even now as they flew above the clouds, an endless sea of blue sky on the horizon, the only sun Katya could see was the one sitting right next to her.

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