Chapter 14: When The Time Comes

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When Katya woke up she felt cosy and warm, Trixie's body hugging her like a koala. She looked so cute and peaceful, her adorable little nose scrunched up and almost all her makeup gone, revealing small light brown freckles on her face. Katya's hand came to brush through the girl's long blonde hair, smiling at the serene feeling she'd woken up with. So often she'd wake up feeling stressed about the day to come, but today she felt calm and collected. 

The blue eyed woman did wonder what would happen now tho, that subject making her anxious.
Would Trixie go back to being a fantasy on the screen?
Or would they keep in touch? Would they become friends? Start dating?
All those questions roamed around in her overactive mind.

Katya never really did hookups,  not really aware of what the common protocol was. She'd assume that Trixie did hookup with people quite regularly tho, allthough she feared thinking that might be judgemental thought on her part. 

It was insane, in so many ways she felt she knew Trixie so well, and yet if you asked her to say anything about the young girl's life, she'd have no answer. How odd to be so captured by a woman who was such a mystery. Trixie at least knew some things about her, she knew her job, where she lived, where she was born, her heritage, and more. Katya however, knew absolutely nothing about the doll except her sexuality, and her love for Barbie and the color pink.

And of course, yes, she knew Trixie was a camgirl. But that in itself also meant she knew that the Trixie on screen was at least partly a character. A simple fantasy created for the hungry minds of the people watching her.

As Katya's smoking urge arrived, she carefully unwrapped Trixie's arms and legs from her form, the girl cutely whining in her sleep at the loss of her teddy bear. The blue eyed girl made her way out on her bedroom balcony, lighting up a cigarette as soon as she stepped into the cold morning air. Below her cars roamed on a busy street, the early morning traffic already in full motion. She felt as if the world was moving but she and Trixie were still stuck in the hazy bubble of the previous night. The walls of protection around them so fragile, the real world already catching up.

Katya took a drag of her cigarette, gazing over at the beautiful girl in her bed as she imagined a reality where that was the view she could wake up to each morning.

How brilliant it would be to feel that comfortable warmth surround her.
How lucky she would feel. 

Again the fact that this might be the only time she would get to see the girl in person and feel the doll's skin against her own filled her with a mix of fear and sorrow. Katya didn't want that reality, but she also couldn't blame Trixie if this turned out to be a one time thing.  They'd made no promises, barely even talked, really... Trixie owed her nothing.

Katya looked towards the road again, the cars moving by like flashes of light. As her gaze moved towards the sky she found herself wishing she believed in God as her father did. For once in her life, she wished she could search some higher power for guidance. Dating Trixie wasn't impossible, but it was complicated... the world is complicated.

She heard a shuffling noise behind her as she inhaled once more, warm arms wrapping around her from behind as she breathed out, blowing smoke rings in the air. 

"Good morning." Trixie's sleepy voice mumbled cutely making Katya chuckle and place one of her hands above Trixie's, where it held onto her waist.

"Good morning, baby." The blue eyed girl responded warmly.

"You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you." The doll scolded in a childish tone.

"I know." 

"You wake up early." The girl yawned as she rubbed her head like a kitten against Katya's back, making the older woman smile. Katya could get used to mornings like that, and that feeling hurt her more than anything. For if Trixie said she wanted it to go no further, the blue eyed girl might just fall apart completely.

Katya put out her cigarette and turned around so she could wrap her arms around the lifesized Barbie doll. Her hands memorizing every dip and curve as she found the courage to ask the question she'd been holding in.

"Trix, will you go out with me?" 

"Of course I will, silly." Trixie replied with a beaming smile as she captured the older woman's lips in a deep kiss. 

"I don't know where this is gonna go, I don't know what it will be, or what you even want from it, but I swear I'll ma..." Katya babbled nervously as they pulled away, for some reason feeling the need to ensure the young girl that she wasn't wasting her time by giving her a chance.

"Katya shhh..." Trixie interrupted with a finger to Katya's lips. "We don't need to know, the answer will come in time." 

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